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RE: Is it time to rage quit again?

in #leo9 months ago

The only question that needs answering in that regard is how much value blogging has to the network compared to the value of other activities. It's funny to think about but if we had some trading gurus here that could actually make people money and stabilize the network at the same time that alone would be a huge boon to everyone. Of course consistently making money in this jungle is surprisingly difficult despite all the huge wins that end up just being lottery winners combined with survivorship bias.

Blogging has a lot of value if the bloggers are high value.

The biggest problem I see is trying to force blogging on everyone when in reality only like 1% of our population should be engaged in that activity. It's just a matter of infrastructure at this point and providing jobs to the users; creating a symbiotic relationship between the users and bandwidth of the chain. Much easier said than done I'm afraid, as there are no known working templates to copy... we have to invent them ourselves from scratch.