I was getting ready to call it a night, when a somewhat short video from coffeezilla made it's appearance in my feed. Tucker Carlson, the man, the gimp, the legend, had secured an Interview with none other than Sam bankman-fried, from prison mind you. Well, I had to watch.

Hot stone massage - Corruption Apologetics
There was no pushback, no hard hitting questions, nothing. It was just Tucker allowing Sam to weave a victim narrative for an hour. Poor little Sam, he got betrayed.
Important to the picture is not only what Sam said on this interview, but also what he's said before. He's literally admitted in front of a camera, that one has to say whatever it takes to get shit done- In my book that's called psychopathy, but what do I know?
They took muh bribe money
I wish I could say Tucker should know better, but in the world of hyper-partisan politics, there is no north or south, right or wrong. The whole thing is about scoring points- Taking dunks on the opposing team.
Sam explains how he donated untold amounts to the Democrats, how he was one of the people on "the inside" circle. But then, he saw some things (obviously not explained) that he didn't like and began supporting Republican politicians.
All of the sudden the democrats showed their true colors, and decided to not defend him in front of the gavel. This point was reinforced, if you will, by Tucker.
What, you gave them all that money and they put you in jail?
OMG yes... the unethical bastards...
What is this called? Gaslighting? Moral Deformity? I'm at a loss of words here.
Here we have a man who committed crimes, claiming to be a victim, because one of his crimes (bribery) was not taken into account, and did not shield him from the justice system/
Crime is legal
I'm the idiot here. I mean, if the president can launch two memecoins, then I have no idea what I should be expecting out of this broken system.
Reminds me of the story of the Crazy king, but I'll probably share that story some other time.
With his constantly furrowed brow, Tucker looks like he is trying to picture all his guests naked.
hahahhahah maybe
That's actually a great technique for dealing with bureaucrats BTW. It actually frustrates them a great deal when they demand forms in triplicate or smth and you break into a great big smile because you just imagined them in a tutu with clown makeup.
haha that works
Is Sam Bankman-Fried really playing the victim card after everything he's done, and Tucker’s just letting it happen 👀👀. It's like they're handing out participation trophies for crime. Meno this stuff is getting out of hand man
the google file is hilarious.... the tucker interview was calculated
Very well calculated, so true man
WTF is the 'woke agenda'? I'm not sure it's that organised, but I consider it to be being decent to all people. The horror!
Woke agenda is just "Whatever I don't like" for these people. Sam knows this, and he knows if he leans on these triggering words, the dim witted will gobble it all up like a Pitbull being handed a treat.
First, Tucker has been a spook since before any of us heard of him. Bankman-Fraud is really worse than you relate. That bribery? Yeah, he dumped massive amounts of cash in Oregon, and today it has a horrifically corrupt Democrat run government with a supermajority in both the state Senate and House. It's not all Sam's fault, TBH. The Dems received literal stacks of cash from La Mota and other drug dealers (it's legal in Oregon, and the state actually decriminalized ALL drugs for a while) at parties.
I hate him.