Is the end near? Plastic straws, stir sticks, carry-out bags, cutlery, dishes and takeout containers and six-pack rings for cans and bottles. Yes these are going to be a thing of the past. Can't imagine why good old Liberal TREUDOPE won't just raise taxes for these items..
Oh wait he is adding another carbon tax in Jan 2021; on top of a carbon tax. Isn't taxing on top of tax illegal? No matter. If the Federal Reserve can do illegal things; so can Canada!
If you didn't know, those recycleables were never processed by our great North American Continent. Nope. Canada currently recycles less than 10 per cent of the three million TONS of plastic it produces each year. This banana republic also has set a lofty goal of have zero plastic waste ending up in landfills by 2030.
Now am I advocating for MOAR plastic? Not exactly. I never liked how plastic take about 10,000 years to degrade. What I am more concerned about are all the industries this will effect. Once again.. it's whatever it takes.
China has now said, "NO MORE" in 2018! Looks like the green agenda ignores the complete and utter disgrace called NATIONAL DEBT. I'm sure all those missing jobs will fill in the tax revenue you are looking for. Here's a quick look; we have our own national debt clock!
So I guess in the end, we will save the world by wiping out any chance of working Canadians
If we could turn plastic straight into diesel fuel. The amount of fuel would not drive the truck back to the plastic recycling plant. Plastic recycling is a myth.
(unless you are extruding YOUR used plastic into filament to be used in YOUR 3D printer.)
We should be burning all of this in high temperature, vortex reburning power plants.
Turning that waste into electricity at the source of the waste.
Recycling is pretty much a myth to keep people complacent and consuming, without guilt.
why you no use for posting? arghhhh
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I use Peakd.. but you are righ.. I should
you lose 10 % of your earnings that get burned. Also, you get way less visibility! And other important reasons, I am too lazy to write now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I do like to Burn.
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
You have just been bro-fisted by the guys in the man cave and now have 1 more BRO. Enjoy!**
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