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RE: The Case for Guild Reduction Costs to Start & Level 2 Upgrade

in #leofinance4 years ago

what sage... 😂, thank you.
the new players want to be in a guild so they can learn and play together, so they think there'll be benefit to be in the guild. while they don't know what is it and how to be part of guild.

I admitted that im afraid to spend the dec for the guild atm, I created 2 guilds for the newbs and now we're struggling to pay 10k for the lvl 2 (and they want to have arena too) while the other one also need 20k to lvl 3. we have 14 players in the waiting list (preventing them from going to TP😁 and nag mieke🤭), if there's no discount, I think it will take ages to have them in the guild🤦🏽‍♀️

spending 20k to open a guild for 16 players (no additional rewards and no discount) or level up a guild which only open for 1 player. when they know, there's no use to be in a lvl 1 guild, they'll leave or someone can take advantage of them too.