By 2015 I was already beginning to explore the world of the internet as a way to capitalize or generate extra and additional income, it was there that a friend told me about bitcoin I remember that the price was around 200 dollars a btc, he told me to invest and it seemed a lot to me money back then for something that I didn't know how it worked and didn't believe in it. However, I kept investigating and closely following my friend who seemed to be profiting well from those bitcoins.
Entre tantas vueltas conseguir leer sobre un tal Vitalik Vitalik Buterin y un proyecto que iba ser mas innovador que bitcoin y lo iba superar en todos los aspectos. y la inversión iba ser mínima por lo cual accedí a comprar unos ETH para principios del 2016, hice una inversión de 25 dolares. continuando leyendo de minería y como obtener criptos sin inversión me tope con la plataforma de steemit.
Among so many laps getting to read about a certain Vitalik Vitalik Buterin and a project that was going to be more innovative than bitcoin and was going to surpass him in all aspects. and the investment was going to be minimal, so I agreed to buy some ETH for the beginning of 2016, I made an investment of 25 dollars. continuing to read about mining and how to obtain crypto without investment I came across the steemit platform.
Para esos días, estaba renunciando a mi trabajo en una empresa de seguros en Venezuela con miras a migrar a Colombia el país donde resido actualmente. Fue un 1 de julio que renuncie y en esos días me uni a steemit, me dieron un cheque de liquidación absurda que equivalía en bss a dolares 100 dolares. Y DIJE ESTO ES UN COÑO. (o sea nada), con esos bss trate de conseguir dolares y para esa epoca hablar de dolares en Venezuela era hasta censurado; y Otra vez mi pana me dijo compra bitcoin y allá lo vendes a través de localbitcoin y obtienes pesos es muy sencillo.
At that time, I was quitting my job in an insurance company in Venezuela with a view to migrating to Colombia, the country where I currently reside. It was on July 1 that I resigned and in those days I joined steemit, they gave me an absurd settlement check that was equivalent to 100 dollars in bss. AND I SAID THIS IS NOTHING, with those bss I tried to get dollars and at that time talking about dollars in Venezuela was even censored; And again my friend told me to buy bitcoin and there you sell it through localbitcoin and you get pesos, it is very simple.
Así fue como decidí apostarlo todo a ello y compre BTC, aprendí a usar bittrex y aquellos ETH también los cambie en confianza de una buena proyección del precio. Aunado a que mis inicios en Steemit fueron bastante buenos reuní una cantidad de casi 2 bitcoin. Que para resumir llego la época dorada del bitcoin en 20K he hice un cash out que me permitió tener hoy mi capital de trabajo y una estabilidad económica para poder radicarme y construir mi hogar.
This is how I decided to bet everything on it and buy BTC, I learned to use bittrex and I also changed those ETH in confidence of a good price projection. In addition to the fact that my beginnings in Steemit were quite good, I collected an amount of almost 2 bitcoin. To summarize, the golden age of bitcoin has arrived in 20K I have made a cash out that allowed me today to have my working capital and economic stability to be able to settle and build my home.
puea que afortunado yo no pude entrar llegue tarde, esto del LDAFT no me dejo entrar y debi hacerlo en el 2012•
Bueno hoy esta hive y esa fue tambien mi puerta.
Ahï vamos a patadas.
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