Over $100 Billion in Aid To Ukraine Yet Still Not Enough?

in #leofinance9 months ago

Not everyone is happy to see the incredible amount of money that has been flowing to Ukraine. So far some figures estimate it is over $100 billion that has gone to Ukraine so far from the U.S. alone, with other countries also sending billions as well themselves.

But while some want to see that aid come to a halt after so much has been given, others say perhaps it isn't enough. While they keep asking for more one might ask how much is enough? Is this going to be another multi-decade endeavor that will suck up trillions of dollars in economic prosperity from countries around the world and yet what is there to show for it?

What is the return?

With the cause requiring a seemingly never-ending black hole of support, is it really worth it to spend funds this way and should those footing the bill themselves have more of a say in where the money is going? We know that those in Washington like to overspend with seemingly little regard for how that might impact those in the future, the money continues to flow regardless of the growing debt. What might that spell for the future in several decades to come? How much inflation might these sorts of financial policies reap? Who is going to suffer as a result of the arguably mismanaged way of doing things? Because as it seems right now it isn't breeding much prosperity.

https://news.gallup.com/poll/643601/americans-say-not-helping-ukraine-enough.aspx https://abcnews.go.com/US/us-send-additional-2-billion-ukraine-aid-blinken/story?id=108534198 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/how-much-aid-the-u-s-has-sent-to-ukraine-in-6-charts https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-drafts-100-billion-foreign-aid-package-including/story?id=104059871 https://www.businessinsider.com/congress-explain-how-ukraine-military-aid-advances-us-interests-2023-1 https://www.businessinsider.com/congress-explain-how-ukraine-military-aid-advances-us-interests-2023-1


It will never be enough; the corrupted politicians want to keep their shipment of cocaine.