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RE: LEO has some sick buying pressure right now!

in #leofinance5 years ago

Can't you ask that same question about Hive or even Bitcoin? People do all the time. The value in these networks is the community. The Leo community is very small and not generating a lot of value at the moment, so yeah it is largely speculative.

However, the LEO community is also a community of HODLERS. The airdrop hit everyone that was powering up PAL. I like our initial distribution. We have a lot of people who care about the token and want to see it thrive.

Also the amount of coins one needs on LEO "just in case" (speculation) is pretty small. I alone have enough stake to create 10 separate whale accounts. Because of the small 4.1 million coin supply, you only need around 5800 coins to be a whale (580 for orca, 58 for dolphin, 5.8 minnow). At less than 5 cents a coin it's not really a risk at all. That's $29 to be an orca.

Leo is also cranking out development pretty steadily. They're working on a shop, a DEX, and most recently, a block explorer using Steemworld as a template.

Personally I would really like to create a Fantasy Bitcoin League on LEO.
Whoever trades Bitcoin the best (with fake USD and fake Bitcoin) wins their share of the prize pool (in LEO). Again, this doesn't exist, so yeah it is a lot of speculation, so I'll try not to sound like a shill.


Make me a whale edicted :)

Posted Using LeoFinance