Best is to study to make profits if that's what you want. Buy HIVE or other cryptos when low before they pump. (it's easier said than done, but REASEARCH to know what to buy). Prices will rise (a lot) and with that, people will come back (into the crypto scene) and the space will come back to life. Be prepared 😁 🙃 Also watch out because there's dumps too.
Best is to study to make profits if that's what you want. Buy HIVE or other cryptos when low before they pump. (it's easier said than done, but REASEARCH to know what to buy). Prices will rise (a lot) and with that, people will come back (into the crypto scene) and the space will come back to life. Be prepared 😁 🙃 Also watch out because there's dumps too.
"Bull run" means the long-term tendency in price is now to rise instead of fall.
Oh and one more thing.. believe in nothing I say. Do Your Own Research and be responsible for your money and assets. Have fun!
This is not financial advice.