Kalavian Tales is a four-pronged project that includes an offline card game development project (on this account), a NFT development project (also on this account), a narrative world-building project (with trivia on this account and storylines by @notaboutme) and a very basic economy project around the KATAMI token.
The KATAMI token was initially covered here, and in this post I will introduce a new token mechanics that are available as of now.
Earning KATAMI through feedback
First of all, KATAMI can in general be earned by effort contribution (do work on the project), or by buying them on the Hive Engine. Since one token symbolizes a single minute of effort, there is a sensible upper value that the token should have. So there is not much value in holding KATAMI long term, much better to spend them :).
If you want to earn a few KATAMI, then you can do so by leaving feedback about the project below this post. In particular I'd like to have opinions on:
- Which part of Kalavian Tales you find most exciting, and the least exciting, and why.
- The storylines and the images accompanying it. Would you like to see more details/content on certain topics or areas? And do you have preferences about what kind of images you'd like to see?
- The game and NFT project. What kind of details would you like to see in the NFTs? And how would you like to be able to play the offline game? E.g. how long, with how many players, and in a competitive or cooperative setting?
Any comment that addresses one or more of the bullet points above will be rewarded with up to 4.5 KATAMI, depending on the depth and usefulness of the comment :).
Spending KATAMI by proposing cameos
If KATAMI can be earned, then there also needs to be a way to spend it!
Now that the basic setting is available on the blog and the first stories have developed, I think it's a good time to introduce cameos.
You can introduce cameos by leaving a comment proposing the cameo, and then transferring the corresponding price in KATAMI to the @kalavia account. Any cameos that are rejected for any reason will result in a full refund.
To start things off, I will accept the following kind of cameos for now:
- Minor plot characters: These will be brought into the story, and may or may not develop into major plot characters over time. You can suggest anything you like about the characters, including the looks (I will try to generate matching images for it). Characters may die or disappear at any time Price: 1 KATAMI
- Natural features or special items: These too will be brought into one of the storylines, and they will have at least a mention there. They will also persist for a very long time in the game world. Price: 2 KATAMI
- Minor buildings of note (e.g. a bar or shop): Will be introduced in the scenery of one of the storylines in one of the settlements. Will persist for at least an in-plot year and will be covered by the story if destroyed for any reason. Price: 4 KATAMI
- Minor creature types. Introduce a minor animal or monster type that will begin to roam in some places of Kalavia. I will choose an appropriate location to keep everything consistent and exciting, but suggestions are always welcome :). Price: 8 KATAMI
Any of the suggested aspects may be selected to become NFTs at a later stage. If this is the case, then you will receive the first copy of the NFT for free.
if you want to create something mentioned in the list, it will take 3 simple steps. Please (1) leave a comment with your proposed addition, and the category it falls under. I will then (2) reply with a confirmation (or a rejection). Once the reply is there, you can then (3) confirm the creation by sending the required KATAMI to @kalavia through the Hive Engine. Your creation will then appear in the storyline over the next few weeks.
Lastly, the prices are kept at a minimum level for now. If there is sufficient interest, then prices will increase over time :).
The Eye of Creation never rests
What genre is this going to be done in? Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Urban Fantasy, Cyberpunk, etc...
It's a blend of genres, with predominantly Fantasy but also some Cyberpunk and Sci-Fi elements.
I look forward to seeing this come to fruition.