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RE: The Man Of Tomorrow #10 - One Year Of Bitcoin ($BTC) and Litecoin ($LTC)

in #leofinance11 months ago

Thank you for sharing your stats. I've been using Freebitcoin for the better part of 5 years at this point, and I managed to refer one prolific gambler, which is great because that's more than I expected, but I'd like to build an income out of this website.

Just how the hell did you get 172K points? If its okay for you, I'd like to see your referral stats.


156 referrals but thats nothing compared with what I have on PipeFlare

Pretty awesome. How did you get those referrals? Was it from publishing in here, or on another platform? I'd really love to expand my referral stats as well.

On Hive I am a small fish, on Publish0x an other places I am doing better :D