Chainz Arena Review - Crypto Gaming

in #leofinance5 years ago (edited)

Hey I'm liuke from the Spanish channel AcademiaLibertad, I currently dedicate the time to making videos promoting and making video reviews about crypto-gaming, also about the investments I am currently in and also from time to time I share the experience of Hive with my subs It is still a growing channel but I have already reached 7k visits, which makes me feel very happy about the work I put into it.

Today I also want to start doing the occasional review written in Hive about the crypto projects in which I am most involved, it seems to me a way to complement the channel and that is that writing is better for me than talking.

On this beautiful day I bring you my opinion about Chainz arena, focused mainly on the financial part (I am a money addict).


First I will say that in recent weeks the game has had many changes and this has tremendously affected the type of target user, with that said I will talk about the current state of the game.

Chainz Arena is a mix between an idle RPG in the style of dungeons that beat themselves and you have to collect the rewards along with active levels that has a direct effect on the type of rewards and the stage of the idle part.

The game is designed in such a way that it interacts with 3 blockchains (Trx, eth, eos) you will have to choose one at the beginning of the game, and this will condition all the transactions of your game (By God! Choose trx or eos)

There are different game modes that I will summarize in a list:

Idle: A type of Bounty Mining that depends on active levels.

Active levels: Game mode in which you are fighting for levels, Very difficult to climb in these levels given that every time you meet a boss (every 15 levels) you will need your heroes (characters) to have a higher level and improved skills .

Arena: The usual PvP in which every certain period of time depending on your place in the ranking you will get rewards (mainly to level up)
A paid PvP, the ability to create teams is very marked since it is basically a pool of Characters from which you will have to choose a team of 6 and battle with your opponent, the winner takes a prize in TRX-EOS OR ETH.
Crystal Orb Arena:
Basically the same as the arena, except that you will gain other essential resources to improve your hero and advance in the game.

The game uses the classic composition of tank-type heores, wizards, supports, assassins and ranged heroes.
Let's get to the important thing, how much is it necessary to invest to make money?


There are 2 ways to monetize this game, with the internal currency called SOUL that you can find in trontrade, through dividends (+400 APR) that are paid daily and that you must collect daily.


Through the Idle mining that the game has, you will basically have a mining power for the soul coin that will be displayed in speed per minute.

Ejm: 0.02 Soul / min

In order to access this mining power, you will have to buy "picks", which work in different periods of time (1 hour- 2- 4- 6- 8-12-) and at different prices. The payoff is when your mining power per minute allows you to generate enough soul valued at an amount greater than what you paid for the hammers.

You have to take into account the price of the hammers (the shorter the period of time, the cheaper it will be to buy it)
Soul's market price (currently 29.7 trx for each)
Your Mining Power (From the 5th or 6th scenario, each boss you defeat will increase your Mining power by + 0.0006 / min)

Now, the first way to monetize is much more affordable for the average user, having a minimum deposit of 10 Soul,
which you can put to produce dividends)

The second is much more expensive but more profitable there are many scenarios but from scenario 25, your mining power will be very much and you will really always be in profit with the hammers and also the Decay will not affect you.

Decay is a mechanism to put multi-accounts under control, and prevent them from being undermined in scenarios like leech. Every 2 or 3 scenarios, a timer will appear that will tell you the time remaining before your mining power is reduced (the percentage varies, the more levels you advance the less power you will lose) Basically it rewards the player who advances more and more.

A team to reach stage 25, will be composed of red edition cards, at very high levels and that the price of the team will surely be around $ 1000. In addition to mining in each scenario, they will ask you for a number of frozen Soul (collecting dividends) to be able to access the mining.

Really mining on stage 25, it can give you very large daily profits (above $ 20)

Final Toughts

You can play it for free but it really is a waste of time and you should buy the equipment before trying to get them in the packs that the game sells (not so profitable)


There is much more information but the best way to learn it is by playing, there are many mechanics and tips that would already be a more specialized guide. My final thoughts are summarized in that if you want to go for profitability and you have the money, go for mining in the game, if you want to spend less than 5 minutes a day in the game, buy soul in trontrade and deposit them to produce dividends.

So far today's blog, I hope to upload another one very soon and I hope to hear your advice!


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