Preparing to overpay the mortgage.

in #leofinance3 years ago

Ok So we finally got the mortgage and we have our own apartment now, its a massive relief! but we must make significant overpayments to clear the mortgage in the next ten years.

Its a 25 year mortgage but I want it done in ten as we are on a cheap ten year fix.

But with the rampant inflation is all goods I have come to realise that more money can be made in savings by having a large supply of food in the cupboards first! The price saved by buying the food before it inflates in price is more than the interest saved in the mortgage for the time being I feel.

We have started, Our first purchase is a good supply of hand soap, at 60p each its already cheap, Thats one essential sorted for the next 18 months!

Onto the next thing!



That is generally my shopping strategy when a food or household item with a good "Best Before' date just happens to be on sale.

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Makes perfect sense if you have the space to store:) we are noticing foods going up weekly here in the UK its pretty scary to be honest.