Tracking my investments - Heres todays - 20/04/2022

in #leofinance3 years ago

So This is where I'm going to record what I am investing in, My basic plan is to put £10 for every hour overtime I do into a mixture of a lifetime ISA for later life and a stocks and shares ISA for the long term (but with the ability to access if needed.

I will also make a new savings account for mortgage overpayment fund. But I am undecided if to do that for now since inflation is running higher than the mortgage interest by some rate.

Today I put £30 into the LISA and £30 into the stocks and shares ISA - whenever i reach £100 saved in cash in a ISA I will buy into a fund, today £100 went to Fidelity Index UK Class P - Accumulation (GBP) in my LISA.
