Since I wasn't able to make this post on Thursday this giveaway will only run for 48 hours so hurry up!
SPS staking keeps increasing
In the last 24 hours, there was a considerable jump in the amount of SPS staked since a lot of people decided to increase their positions given the insane voucher prices.
When I saw vouchers going for almost 30 Hive I was expecting a lot more people to rush and buy a lot more SPS to join the voucher grabbing madness. Unfortunately, there were also a lot of weak hands that took the chance to sell their SPS.
I think this was just a little delay on SPS way up. Now that long-term holders grabbed some more and stuck it in the staking pool we should see the price go higher over the next 3 weeks.
⚔️ What are Hive SBI Shares:
I'm going to explain this in the simplest manner possible: For every share of Hive SBI, I buy I get a chance to sponsor someone with an equal share. For example, I buy a share and send your username on the Memo. I get 1 share and you also get 1 share.
These shares grant you an upvote on your Hive posts FOREVER, the more shares you have the more and bigger upvotes you get. There is no point in choosing the Hive SBI option if you don't make any posts on your account.
If you're interested in the project you can check out the FAQ HERE
⚔️ The rules:
- Upvote / Follow or Re-post is not mandatory but it is greatly appreciated.
- Comment whether you prefer to receive two SBI shares or the card(s). If you use a different username on Splinterlands please mention the account where you want to receive the cards.
- Only one comment per person
The winner will be picked by a randomizer and will be announced on next week's giveaway post every Thursday.
⚔️ Cards for this week:
Cards will rotate splinter every week, Fire -> Water -> Earth -> Life -> Death -> Dragon -> Neutral. I will also increase the prizes depending on last week's post payout both the value of the card(s) and the amount of SBI shares.
This week if you choose the cards and win you will receive: 2 x Charlok Minotaur! In case you opt for the SBI share you will be awarded 2 free shares!
⚔️ Last week winner:
I'm currently using this tool to randomly pick one comment to win the giveaway.
@failingforward was the lucky winner from last week's giveaway! I sent you an extra SBI share due to the delay in announcing the winner.
I'M in for 2 x Charlok Minotaur cards,
thanks for what u're doing
Count me in for SBI
I'd love some more SBI!
By the way, I started adding SBI to my daily SL reward card giveaway when I can due to your posts. It is tough to breakeven to keep continuing though. Any suggestions?
Count me in for the SBI please. @emd012
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Hey thanks !!!! !PIZZA and if I'm allowed minotaur
@failingforward, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.
More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
Count on me. Charlok Minotaur! @tokutaro22
Charlok Minotaur @nikoleondas
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to enter for the SBI.
I prefer SBI. Thanks!
Count me in for the SBI @yeckingo1
2 x charlok minotaur cards, Arigato!!!
Pls :3
Count me in for SBI
Thank you.
Hey, 1 Minotaur sounds nice! @damnboy
I would like to get a card! Growing up my collection :)
I'd love a Minotaur. Thanks. @squishna
Hi there, thanks for sharing about SBI I was not familiar with this. Count me in for the SBI. IGN = shawnmichael-gt
In for the 2 Charloks,
I will opt in for the SBI shares this week.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would love the HSBI shares!! Thank you for these giveaways!
Minotaur for me.. :) @ELOKIN
I would like to participate, the cards please!
Count me for the card ^^ @subidu
I'm in for the cards! thanks for your help!
same IGN @tazerfaze
Thank you for the giveaway!
I'd like to try the SBI shares
I would take the sbi shares please and thank you
Count me in for SBI
Cards would be great! @misterabaddon
I choose the cards! @jdike
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia