Many years ago I listened to a recording of an Alan Watts talk where he states with fearless confidence: "We possess now the technology to enable every single person on Earth to generate an independent source of income."
This was made some time in the 1960s or 70s, and I first heard it in 2008. I think about it often. Hive is the current manifestation of this fact, presenting the lowest barrier to entry for participants that I know.
That's part of why I'm here. Hive self-evidently guarantees the means to an independent income within it's operational structure.
If you have personal access to electricity, a computer, the Internet, and possess the knowledge of how to use these things, then the obstacles to the generation of your income are far fewer in number, and reside mostly inside the self.
Which is wonderful. Really simplifies the unfolding journey to self-actualisation.
What luck that we live at this time and have knowledge of this technology! This model for the future as much as the present. It's not perfect, as you mention, but it's less imperfect than what's come prior.
Another part of why I'm here, is that on the odd occasion, when life allows, I'm lucky enough to see invigorating, thought-inducing and well-written content, like what you've crafted here.
So thank you, and best regards.