Oh I am so sorry!! Was she able to come home at all? I know how devoted you were. and how hard you must have worked those last days. I wish you beautful memories of her, and fruitful days on your homestead. Do you have anyone to share it with? This empty house gets to me sometimes. Thank goodness I have my pets. I'm assuming you still have your dachshunds, those loveys.
The whale business is soo disturbing, gives Hive a very bad look. I could not believe it when they did it to you.
I could have treated the infection, but they wouldn't allow it. It had already attacked her brain, so there was no point in pushing it further. Part of my heart went with her!
More time on the homestead now I guess. Some time life just sucks!
I know. I'm sending hugs to you. Hugs help a lot.
That's a wonderful photo of the two of you!
It will hurt for a long time! Fighting a mass in my gut, so we'll see on the long term. It's been a few bad months for sure!
I was fighting above my weight with her, ROFLOL! She was always smarter than I was too.
She was very beautiful! I know you're really smart, so she must have been something. You had a long and loving marriage. I'll bet there are a great many happy memories.
What is this about a mass in your gut?
Ran with her for 52 years, I will miss her at least that long!
I had pain last Wednesday, and went to the ER. They did a CT scan and found a thin mass under my liver, with some places on my liver too. I was at an 8 on pain level, but follow on scans found nothing more. I came home Thursday afternoon, and began a full attack with herbals. I have been helping others, so the needed herbs were here. My pain went from 8 to 1 in two days, and is even less now! They may have trouble finding something to biopsy soon. I wildcrafted some of these medicines myself, so I know they are fresh! Still have two more herbs coming, but I'm doing a full court press on this; hoping for the best, but treating for the worst!
So you haven't had a biopsy? Not that I advocate you do - I believe those tests might do more harm than good. Great work! I expect follow up to scans find nothing.
Thank you for working so hard for the alternative medicine community! I am very grateful to have met you here.
There is a biopsy scheduled for Thursday next. They will likely do a needle type biopsy, through an introducer cannula.
When I was done with the root canal today, I spent about 20 minutes teaching the office manager about herbals. She was thrilled!
I decided to double up on the anti cancer herbs until I get the biopsy done. My pain is almost gone now!
Oddly, I knew her folks a long time before I met her; and they were friends! Her Dad got me into ham radio, and was a mentor to me. Her Mom was a pure soul, and that is very rare....