My question is; What as a community can we do?
What you're doing... educating people about the scams, is the best we can do for now.
In any system, people are going to find ways to acquire things with the least amount of work. In a system without censorship, you have to let scams like this happen, or you have to start censoring some people. Once you start making rules to protect people from their own mistakes, you start on a slide that never ends. The new rules invevitably limit the freedoms of users who are not 'abusing' the system, and the scammers just find a new scam. If you keep making more rules to eliminate scams, eventually nobody has any freedom left, and scammers are still finding new ways to rip people off.
A certain 'criminal' element is inevitable. While it's important to remain vigilant against these 'bad actors', it's also important to remember that you can NEVER get rid of them, they're just an expression of human nature.