Club1BCH Q1 2022 - Let's change the world! One year anniversary and charity involvement

in #leofinance3 years ago

WOW! The Club's first anniversary was celebrated on the 13th of January! Can't believe how fast time goes, mostly because the hustle never stops and crypto never sleeps. I feel like time went away on fast forward and at the same time I feel like I know the club members since childhood.


The anniversary was the perfect time to make impact and try to change the world! We decided to rise money for charity in a partnership with ++Bityard++.


We invited the BCH community ( readcash, noisecashThe Giving Block and @SmartBCH ) to join us and be part of the tidal wave of change that will help the future generations. Everything was donated to Save the Children through


Was the event successful? I can say a loud YESSS, as over $3000 were raised in only 2 weeks. We raised 1 BCH in less then a day, and then Wojak stepped in and donated 5 BCH ... yes ... 5 BCH!

++Bityard++ donated $100 donation and agreed to sponsor the "Writing for a cause!" event. We had 10 amazing ReadCash users stepping up to write about crypto charity and $200 in $BCH were added by ++Bityard++. Thanks to @Eybyoung @CoquiCoin @TengoLoTodo@Sairaa @bmjc98 @H3ruvim78 @meitanteikudo @Infinity and @Jane for making the charity pot grew bigger!


Bitcoin Cash was not the only asset sent to Save the Children during this campaign, as other crypto friends projects joined out cause! ++Bityard++ has donated big bags of Shiba and the humble EASports donated $150 worth of $ETH. I matched the $150 in ETH and added 15 UMA from my SuperUMAns rewards to raise the total past $3000. #LetsChangeTheWorld charity event was the biggest achievement in my life and proved that blockchain is the future!


The two fantasy football competitions reached new heights, as the prize pools grew and top smartBCH projects joined.

The Premier League tournament has 109 participants at the end of March. The huge number and involvement was a surprise for what was supposed to be a friendly and fun competition. We had to raise the stake and we started building a prize pool. The @Empress help was welcome, as she committed to pay monthly prizes and $KONRA at the end of the season. This is the current standing, with only a handful of rounds left from the season.


The wallet where the funds are kept reached $155, which means that the winner will receive $20 in BCH and 1 KONRA. The second placed manager will receive $15 in BCH and 0.75 KONRA, while the third placed manager will receive $10 and 0.50 KONRA. The top 25 managers will receive either $BCH or $KONRA, if they filled the form with the Bitcoin Cash and @SmartBCH address to receive the prizes. Fill the Google form or forfeit the prize !


The UEFA Champions League was more like an $BCH community, with only 25 players- but big names! Two rounds away before the end and the prize pool looks sweet! We have $KONRA from the @Empress $AxieBCH $DAIQUIRI and one @worldofmasksbch NFT for our top managers!


++Club1BCH Q1 2021 - Genesis and events++

Club1BCH Q2 2021 - Promoting and Evolving

Club1BCH Q3 2021 - Unwrapping the full potential

Club1BCH Q4 2021 - Reaching the height of a tidal wave


We launched our Discord and you are welcome to join! Lots of fun, giveaways and SmartBCH education


Club1BCH social media links:

++Club1BCH Channel++

++Club1BCH on Twitter++

++Club1BCH website++


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