[Image Source](https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-illustration-second-income-money-falling-side-job-work-earn-more-cash-words-around-person-to-illustrate-secondary-to-revenue-image41319111)
Margins Getting Tight
With the bear market and my propensity in the past to waste money trying to get rich quick, I have found myself in a bit of a financial bind. Though there is a clear path to recovering and there is no immediate pressure to get money one place or another, I have to get moving on the situation and I can't afford to make it much worse.
I am picking up a second job in addition to working on side projects such as the dropshipping business (more on that soon), my app and @dunksocial. I have come to the conclusion that if I am to generate $100 or more a day in income separate from my main full-time job, I will be in a great financial position within a few months time... and by that I mean not in debt, by no means would I be rich haha.
How To Get It Done
In my opinion there are tons of ways you can generate around $100 a day. My plan is to work an extra job for four of the days and so I need to make sure I am finding a way to make a few $ on the other three days of the week while I am building my businesses (as they won't be profitable right away).
I have been lacking the motivation to get on the grind and really hustle, but now that my back is up against the wall a bit more than in the past, I am motivated to at least get that done.
Back when I was gambling, the biggest rush that you could get other than hitting it big was coming up with a way to recover when you were down on the night. Going from a thousand dollars in the hole to breaking even was a feeling of redemption that actually made losing more tolerable in the short term knowing it could be around the corner. This is sort of like that in a way... At least in the motivating sense, as I am now on the grind to get back to where I was a few months ago and can see exactly how to do it.
Other Ways To Make Money On The Side
I am going to be looking to use my teaching certificate (a TEFL certificate) to teach English on the side, so I will be looking for ways to use that and try to find a recurring lesson I can tutor weekly.
I used to be someone who would use Uber Eats or other delivery services to make a few sales on the side, but I don't have my car anymore because I moved to the city and left it with my family back in the suburbs, so that is out for me.
I am going to continue blogging on web 3.0, but I think that the money I make here will be reinvested and continue to grow so I am not sure it is what I need in the short-term.
I've checked out things like Fiverr and Upwork, but don't know that I have that many marketable skills for piecework.
Reporting and Accountability
I am lucky that I should only need to fill a few nights of the week seeing that I am hopefully picking up this second job later today, but I do want to make sure that I am not slacking. For that reason, I will be publishing a weekly update every Friday on how much I was able to bring in from my side jobs from the previous week with the goal of making $700 each week. I hope that you guys will enjoy the updates as they will keep me accountable and maybe they will give some ideas on what you can do to make a little extra money during these times of getting absolutely destroyed by everything crypto.
Talk soon fam.
Come talk basketball on Dunk Social!

Links and Connections:
Join me on Splinterlands exploring blockchain gaming
Get paid for your search results with Presearch
Follow me on Twitter/Instagram: @ Rob_Minnick23
Hive: @ rob23
Join me on Torum
Check out Cake DeFi for staking rewards
Bitcoin Cash Apps: @ rob23
Join me on Publish0x to talk crypto
NEW TRIBE: @dunksocial
Who I am:
My name is Rob and I am a financial analyst with interests in cryptocurrency and blockchain. I have enjoyed my time thus far engaging with Web 3.0 and am looking to continue learning more and sharing what I learn through my experience.
All the best with your new goal of $100 extra dollars per day. I will look forward to more of your updates as you progress, who knows you might just be able to give me a new idea to add to my side hustle.
Much appreciated! I just locked down the job a few minutes ago! Delivery apps really were pretty good for me in the past if you have a vehicle, but there's so many ways.
Congratulations on the new job 🎉
Great post and I definitely think the goal is achievable. There are many great small things one could do that adds up in the end. One of them is to switch to Brave Browser on your computer and phone. That gives me a few $ each month so far, only been using it for two months. But more money this way than if I keep using chrome. =)
Another thing you can do is use an auto faucet. I have written a post here about how you go about turning a normal faucet into an auto faucet that lets you claim 24/7 with no hazel. =)
I hope you find it useful. And keep up the great work. =)
Great post and I definitely think the goal is achievable. There are many great small things one could do that adds up in the end. One of them is to switch to Brave Browser on your computer and phone. That gives me a few $ each month so far, only been using it for two months. But more money this way than if I keep using chrome. =)
Another thing you can do is use an auto faucet. I have written a post here about how you go about turning a normal faucet into an auto faucet that lets you claim 24/7 with no hazel. =)
I hope you find it useful. And keep up the great work. =)
While hustle is good, I think a way to passive earn money might be the better option. I guess the businesses you plan on the building could be that option though.
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