Hive is on the move!

in #leofinance4 years ago

I warned you by saying: "I wouldn't be surprised to see Hive snap to 1$ in a day as resistances above 50c are rather thin." and that's exactly what happened right now.


Just a few days after the post, in a matter of two hours, Hive has managed to shoot up from 53c to exactly 1$, the dreaded psychological barrier I predicted we could have issues going through. While I did take some small profits at 90c to try and pick more up if it drops, if Hive can reclaim 1$ and establish resistance in price discovery, what we've seen so far is going to be just a small blip on the chart and the entire price history from inception to this day, will be nothing but a straight line.


After this beast is done pumping, your jaw will drop so hard you're going to need facial reconstruction surgery.

To see these moves after an entire year-long down-trend during a bull market is nothing short of awe-inspiring. It's the final confirmation that Hive isn't going to be left out of the raging bull market like some of you thought. I can't blame you though. The -90% downtrend accumulation, could have spooked away even the most savvy investors.

If you've stuck through with Hive all this time, congratulations anon!

Now is the time you get your shot at making it!

It will be a bumpy ride though so be very careful not to fall out of the moving train because we are going to start traveling at warp speed.

Cya on the other side ladies and gentlemen!



OMG are u serious, this is only gonna be a little blip in the big scope of things? We're gonna be filthy HIVE rich then!!! I see u got $50,000 in hive already - great job! Wow we're going up higher, this is just the beginning. How high do you think it can get? How long till 7 bucks, $20? is $200 a possibility? I'm shocked, u did tell us so! Thanks, cheers!!

Always have been.

The flattening happens at few dollars per Hive. My bare minimum, extremely conservative, target is 5$, then 9$ and finally 19$ but I could be wrong and wouldn't be surprised by much higher prices, although I do think 200$ is a bit of a stretch for this bull season.

Epic pump there, what a dream come true. Yes I would take a little profit and wait for the correction to buy back in. Let's see if we can return to the days of $4 a coin or more, when it was still Steem in the previous bull market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was a shocker and a bit unbelievable at first, as I saw it first thing in the morning straight after waking up, thought I was dreaming.

This is something we knew was coming for a long time. Today is just a confirmation for the doubters.

Just keep thinking and talking it up!

Yep the revolution is just beginning.