One of the things that make the difference between people is the level of knowledge they have and apply. There are things that people wish or pray about that can easily be delivered by gaining knowledge about that particular thing. For example, you cannot wish yourself through excellent grades in school, you have to study extensively and gain more knowledge to achieve it. There is nothing you invest in acquiring knowledge that is ever wasted because you will see the result, if not immediately, then someday.

To be successfully outstanding in this present era that is already ladened with insane competition, you have to possess something beyond what the average person has - an extensive level of knowledge. You will agree with me that knowledge and information rule this age and to flow with it, you have to acquire knowledge to fit. Even in your place of work for example, someone that knows something and can proffer solutions to the challenges of the organisation will be preferred over others. It is as simple as that.
Your relevance is directly proportional to the value you add, which is also basically a result of the knowledge you possess. An increase in knowledge directly results in an increase in relevance. You will be surprised that some major cutting-edge technological industries, during their recruitment exercise, look beyond what you have in terms of certificates to what you know and the skills you possess. Apart from getting a degree, what extra thing can you bring to the table and what will give you an edge? These are what matter. If the only knowledge you have is just limited to your field and to what you were taught in school, then you are very limited.
When going for knowledge, you have to go wide, even beyond your discipline because you may not know when you will need the knowledge and when it will come in handy. However, one thing to also know is that it does not stop at gaining and acquiring the knowledge, there is a need for you to put them to practice. Having a knowledge of what to do but failing to do it will not bring profit to you. The profit is actually gotten from putting the knowledge to work and not stop at acquiring it. As a matter of fact, the person that knows what to do and does not do it is almost equated to the person that does not possess the knowledge at all because what makes the difference is the result, which is only gotten by putting the knowledge to work and not just by acquiring it.
As a student for example, if they know what to do to pass your exams - like studying hard, attending lectures, doing assignments and quiz, etc, but do not observe to do them, then at the end of the semester, the student will not achieve the result because he did not put his knowledge to use. As you go for knowledge, you have to also learn to put it to use. This is the reason you need to go for relevant knowledge; the knowledge that is potent which you need at the moment before you can add other complementary knowledge to it. Imagine someone that has a Chemistry exams but reading a Biology textbook whereas he has not finished his Chemistry textbook. It is true that he is gaining knowledge, but the priority is wrong and as such, the relevance of the knowledge is questionable.

The knowledge that will deliver maximally is the knowledge that is relevant to the present day challenges. Imagine someone going to gain knowledge about steam engine when cars are not longer using steam engines, and are even moving from internal combustion engine to electric-powered engines. Or someone learning how to use the manual typewriter when the world is already centered around supercomputers. So you see, your knowledge should be what will give you an edge in this modern world and make you more relevant and not making you obsolete.
In conclusion, It is worthy to note if you possess a solution to the challenges that face the world, even if they do not like you, irrespective of your status, ethnicity, background, they will look for you. People are inclined to follow after the person that has proven results, and this is a function of increasing in knowledge, updating yourself, working to build your capacity, and upgrading your mental capacity.
Thanks for reading
This post mirrors what I've seen in my own life. There are those seemingly born with a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge.
I used to drive my mother crazy asking her why things were the way they wer. Luckily for me, we lived in an old building with a basement and an attic packed with old books and magazines.
I learned so much by cracking those tomes open and filling my mind with information from the big-wide wourld outside of my self-contained neighborhood.
But as you say, knowledge without action is a waste. One must be willing to put those skills to practice and to stay abreast of the latest developments in the field. Only then will we ba able to reap the bounty of our efforts.
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Thanks for this awesome and highly insightful comment, and for using your own personal experience to explain more on the post. You're appreciated