Hello SPIers, today talk about HBD. We have saved up a nice amount and ideally, we will be holding much less by the end of this year. What could we do with it?
But 1st!!
For those unaware, the interest paid for HBD savers has dropped to 19%. I dont remember anyone asking me about dropping the interest rate. 19% is still good I guess, its a 5% drop in interest paid out which is not the end of the world. Maybe this is a tester?
I obliviously dont think this is the downfall of HBD, anything over 12% on a stable token is pretty good. On HIVE there are no transaction fees and claiming interest is fast, easy, painless and free. You dont even have to claim it, it'll just auto-claim when you interact with HBD.
I'd take a 12% stable token return on HIVE over a 15% return on BSC or ETH based. Why?, with HBD, interest is paid in HBD and not some stupid farm or gov token that just drops in value. To compound your stable tokens on BSC or ETH, you need to convert the reward token into a stable token, and then either create an LP token or stake it directly. Lots of fees, lots of maintenance, lots of chances to make a mistake.
We've been saving HBD for a long time, a few years now and we've built up over 13k in total. I'd guess around 7-8k of this came from BSC defi liquidations during the first half of 2022, half of content rewards for the past 2 years and of course our 20% interest payment each month. This year alone, we will earn 2500 HBD in interest. Oh wait, i mean 2375 HBD 😢
In under 5 years, we have in HBD alone what we raised from selling SPI tokens during 2019/20 until the HIVE hardfork. The cherry on top is HBD is only about 10% of the total fund so we've had alot of growth since launch, at least in terms of dollars.
What's the Plan?
Depends really on what happens with HIVEs price.
HIVE is currently 29 cent and if think it drops to 25 cent, i would have to convert around 8k HBD into HIVE. It takes 3 days to unstake HBD so there always the risk that HIVE tanks and recovers over the next 2-3 days and to be honest, this is often the case. This would get around 32k HIVE all the same. We'd hold onto 5k HBD for things during 2025, things that are probally not even released yet.
If HIVE never see 25 cents are under again, during the second half of the year, around August, we can buy into 2-3 different cryptos. These will most likely be new tokens. New tokens that have not seen a bullrun yet but are already in the top 100. Things like Optimism, Immutable, Arbitrum, Mantle, Quant and about 10 more we can look at, the list will be larger in 7-8 months as new replaces the old. The same plan is to spend around 8-9k HBD and hold back 5k for 2025.
I would love to see HIVE drop to 25 cents, to be honest. I know thats not the right attitude but I'd like to get us 30k of HIVE from 8k HBD. More importantly, the BTC to HIVE ratio would fall and we'd get a further 200k HIVE for 1 BTC 🤯 What would we do with all that HIVE? Use half to boost HIVE income/dividends and delegate the other half to eds-vote to stockpile some EDS for SPI.
Nothing fancy are complicated, by the end of this year, we'll know which of the 2 scenarios works out for us. As said above, it all depends on what HIVE does over the next few months.
What are your thoughts on the HBD interest change?
What do you think about this recent HBD interest change? Do you think it's a tester? the first of many? How far do you think it could go? but most importantly, what would your exit APY? How low would it have to go before you pull out?
Token Name | Main Account | Link to hive-engine |
SPI token | @spinvest | SPI |
LBI token | @lbi-token | LBI |
Top XV token | @spinvest | XV |
Eddie Earners | @eddie-earner | EDS |
EDS miners | @eddie-earner | EDSM |
EDS mini miners | @eddie-earner | EDSMM |
DAB | @dailydab | DAB |
DBOND | @dailydab | DBOND |
For the fact that there is no transaction fee on hive or gas fee like ethereum is one reason I love Hive / HBD
We really are spoiled here on HIVE. Free 3 second transactions 🥳
I don't know, but 19 percent is a bloody good earner imo.
Damn right it is, i was a little shocked it only dropped by 1%. I was thinking when it would start to drop, it would have gone to 15-16% so no complaints from me
I didn't realise the interest rate had dropped. I'm sure it was still 20% last time I looked which was 2 days ago, or maybe the interface hasn't been updated yet. Were any reasons for the drop given?
It happened 3 days now, you probally checked your wallet and it changed a few hours after, haha
I'd guess witnesses have voted for it. You can see what each witness has voted for in the top witness list.
Damn. I've been trying to build up my HBD savings to 1800 so that I would get 1 HBD a day in interest. I hope there will be no more lowering before I reach my goal. 20% was great, 19% is still pretty good when compared to my bank.
Just keep saving, this could be a tester #1 on the way down. They did the same on the way up, it went quickly from a few percent to 20%, few months if i remember right.
It's not a downfall at all
Not at all, bit of a clickbaity title and thumbnail.
19% is mindblowing
You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@tbnfl4sun just slapped you with , @spinvest.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
The APR is currently bouncing between 19% and 20% depending on the APR set by the backup witnesses.
I didn’t see the change, at least not on PeakD yet. I know some witnesses were toying with changing it.
I’m with you on the HBD to hive though! That’s what I did last year, I exchanged 500 HND or something to hive and had a nice power up one month! It was great to make a nice jump like that and I want to keep saving my HBD but I also want to stack more hive while I’m at it! It’s a good problem to have lol.
I’ll have to spend a little bit of money to get some of these newer tokens and see how they perform into 2025 if we get a bull run.
Damnright play the HBD to HIVE ratios and get rich in a few cycles 😀
UNVOTE EVERY WITNESS THAT HAS CHANGED FROM 20%! No one asked any of us if we wanted this change. The only thing a witness sees is if they have lost rank, not what us plebs care about.
SPinvest only votes 1 witness, peakd.
SPI HP balance does not belong to 1 person so i dont use its witness votes.
Damn. I hadn't even seen they lowered it... put the joint down Dave
hmmm, i rolled one when i saw it 🤣
The discussion to drop the rate has been ongoing for a few months now, that I know of, and I never got clarity on the why and why nots of it all. I don't know the positions clearly enough to understand how it's intended to impact the ecosystem. I heard a lot of talk about whales wanting to keep it high, and everyone else wanting to drop it to distribute more rewards for content creation, but I know it's far more nuanced... I just never could find out the specifics to know exactly what was being discussed. Personally, I thought a good return on a stable coin was one of the best things we had going for us.
Yes, I've been hearing on the grapevine about a drop the past few months as well.
Ok, so sounds like whales that probally post less are looking to keep the APY high and everyone else who produces content wants better rewards. I am sure there is a happy middle ground to be found.
And I agree with you on a high return stable token being one of the best things on HIVE. Personally, for me, anything over 12% is good, over 15% is great and over 18% is amazing so even with this small drop, im still happy.
I just hope it is not the first of many drops.
Thanks for checking out the post and dropping some awesome feedback, have a great day.
Most of this was way over my head. I swap all my HBD for swap.hive to further invest into Splinterlands assets, so I've been missing away my chance at passive 20% growth to buy assets for a strategy card game I love. This works for me playing Magic the Gathering for 30 years, now I wonder if it will translate to Web3 assets. Only time will tell.