Web 3.0: Ideas Are Infinite

in #leofinance6 months ago

Humans tend to operate based upon the scarcity model. This seems to be our default mindset. It isn't without reason since, for most of our history, our entire existence was physical. I would say that, by definition, we are dealing with limitation.

However, this started to change with the advent of the corporation. Suddenly, we had an entity that did not operate in the physical realm. This was without atomic structure, residing in the "invisible". Here we see another layer of existence introduced.

Roughly 50 years ago, the digital world started to emerge. It was slow at first yet accelerated over time. Today, few in the developed world (and many in the developing countries) could operate without the Internet.

There is a problem here.

When dealing with the digital, this is the mecca of the infinite. The old limitations are not applicable. We can see growth rates that are far superior to the physical.


Ideas Are Infinite

Moving away from the digital for a moment, we have another area where humanity operated. This, too, is infinite, yet humans operate like it is the opposite.

How many ideas do we have a day?

I am not sure this can be researched since how do you distinguish from a thought versus an idea. Nevertheless, researchers have basically placed the number of human thoughts somewhere between 6,000 and 70,000. Naturally, we are dealing with a wide range yet it does show the abundance.

Even if we focus upon the lower scale of 6,000, how many of them can be ideas. By this, let us assign the concept of coming up with something new, at least to us.

With 6,000 ideas thoughts, do you think it possible that 5-10 are ideas? How about 1?

If there are 8 billion people on the planet, each having an idea per day, that is 8 billion ideas. Even if we reduce it down by a billion, we come up with 7B ideas per day.

Over the course of a week, we have 35 billion.

How many over a year? 10 years?

The point is we are having ideas aLL the time. My guess is we are dealing on the low side of things. Some research has the number of ideas per day at 1-2 while others estimate it being 10-20.

If the latter is remotely correct, we are dealing with tens of billion of ideas per day. While not technically infinite, it is more than we can handle.

Web 3.0: A Forum of Ideas

What does this have to do with Web 3.0?

Actually, it relates more to the open nature of software and development.

When it comes to ideas, people get very stingy with sharing them. We protect them like they are major secrets. This shows the concept of scarcity that is abundant in human thinking. We do all we can to protect them, including establishing laws around this idea.

Ergo, we even have ideas about how to protect our ideas.

Web 3.0 seeks to disrupt much of the existing system. Here is where we see a world of ideas coming to fruition. One advantage to the digital realm is that it is easier to bring ideas into being.

For example, if I have an idea to build a ship, for that to materialize requires a great deal of effort, time, equipment, and money. In the digital realm, I can create that using basic software.

Certainly they serve different purposes. Nevertheless, we see how the ability to create in visible form is made easier.

Web 3.0 deals a lot with ownership. The existing system exerts a lot of effort to protect ideas. With Web 3.0, this can be summed up in the non-fungible token (NFT). Here is an ownership method that can protect some ideas while allowing for massive growth.

When tied to an immutable, transparent database, it offer a conflict resolution system that tops what we presently deal with. If the NFT is in the wallet, it has the properties tied to that asset.

Thus, Web 3.0 can become a honeypot of ideas. There is no reason to be shy with them. Instead, let them flow.

What happens is a compounding effect. As more ideas are placed in the open, others follow suit. How often have we read an article or watched a video and received 2 or 3 ideas from that? The other creation "inspired" us produce more.

I think this is part of the free flow of information the originators of the Internet envisioned. Unfortunately, we got the siloed system where any ideas end up benefitting the major corporations.

Web 3.0 dramatically alters this.

What happens is we enter a situation where the labor theory of value is totally turned on its ear. Actually, the digital realm does this anyway. With Web 3.0 we see a massive shift in the potential distribution of the economic productivity.

How much is each idea worth?

This is not something that will be answered. What we will determine is what the collective amounts to. Since we are dealing with permissionless networks, anyone is free to put their ideas into operation.

Aiding in this endeavor is technology. We are seeing the tools available to the average person growing. This could accelerate the process a great deal.

Age of Abundance

We are entering a very interesting period in human history.

The ability to bring ideas to fruition is only getting easier. We can generate more output with faster processing, robotics, and advancing software. We have many segments of the economy which have a massive feedback loop at the center of their operations.

All of this is moving us towards abundance.

At the moment, this is still limited to the fact we are conditioned to defer to the corporations. Few are building things on their own, i.e. implementing ideas they have. Instead, we wait until some company brings it out.

Web 3.0 is going to be a shift since the individual is gaining more ability by the day. The Internet provided this. As time passes, we are seeing the tentacles of this creature spread.

What this means is the same tenets are still available. As opposed to blogging or creating video, consider what happens when this enters much larger realms.

That is what we are seeing start to unfold.

Those with ideas will have the tools to implement them. Here is where we see the continued advancement towards more abundance.

Because of this, the Age of Abundance is upon us. It is simply one of the outcomes of the Internet.

Each person is going to be able to help in this endeavor by simply implementing some of the ideas they have.

What Is Hive


Ideas that are unique in conception always will bring the currency of internet that is "attention" and web 3.0 knows the importance about ideas in abundance.

excellent food for thought. When they ask me how many cryptocurrencies will exist, I always answer with the word infinite. A cryptocurrency is ultimately an idea and the ideas are infinite

Posted using CTPtalk

I always answer with how many websites are there?

Very interesting ideas you are sharing, and I believe you are correct. Just imagine of the billions of daily ideas most may come by someone in a country that is impoverished and the idea would just be forgotten. If everyone had access to web 3.0 they could implement their ideas into an income just like we see here on Hive. Tokenization of everything is the future but only a few of us really understand that concept. Thanks for the intriguing thoughts, it got my creative gears spinning again!

I rarely respond to your posts (not out of malice but more because most of your content is above my current understanding of how everything works and my responses would not add much to the discussion); I found this one particularly interesting, though. As someone who creates digital art from time to time, I was researching NFTs a bit. I never thought about the scarcity mindset but that makes so much sense. Thanks for the confidence boost and providing excellent content. 🥰

The scarcity/abundance model is an interesting one. Perhaps I need to write another article about that.

We tend to value what is scarce yet, especially in the digital world, abundance becomes the norm. In other words, scarcity changes.

How do we navigate that?

There’s no immediate solution to that problem. As a higher species, we have been a possessive one as long as our history has been written. Wars have been fought over things, lives have been ruined for a single grain of rice, and content on the internet has been snuffed out of existence. There will forever be a discussion about what should and should not exist. I’d gladly read future content about that particular topic.

The power of the digital realm is immense. We can do simulations and tests there for little cost. Changes and updates can easily be done. With the power of AI, these can be more accurate. What could be better is that if they are shared in the blockchain, anyone can access it and improve upon it. If one has an idea already being worked on, they can see what they can help with there.

This is what has impressed me most about web 3.0, the endless propagation of ideas.

No problem coming up with ideas. Now influencing someone else to change their ways enough to adopt your idea is a real challenge. !LOLZ

Me and my mates are in a band called Duvet.
We're a cover band.

Credit: reddit
@taskmaster4450, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld



I agree. Ideas are infinite. Thank you for the information. Hope I can gain your support in this Web 3.0. 😊 @taskmaster4450