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RE: The Chaos With Musk And Twitter Opens The Door For Hive

in #leofinance3 years ago

i can still remember stumbling on Elon's tweet where he was talking about the bots on twitter. I didn't know it was this dip. Anyways, I'm glad hive gets to win from this saga.

Although I have being hearing of web 3, this is the first time I understand it a bit. Thanks for the explanation.


To understand a lot of this, go to the base layer and work from there. Understanding the infrastructure and how the data is managed are keys

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sure thing boss. I have being doing research and asking questions based on this. Thanks for the reply.

That is good. It is best to do all you can to learn about Hive and what is taking place here. It is a powerful blockchain, one that people are just coming understand.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta