Crypto Portfolio Daily Dose #26

in #leofinance5 years ago



Today I received 1046.13408447 DOGE from Cointiply. This was a nice boost to the portfolio. I converted it along with the DOGE I received from moving the card rental income to bitcoin. So that was 31k sats added to the portfolio. Also, I received some LTC from the normal faucets I do. Some time this week I will decide what I want to promote and use some LTC to pay for it.

SCC is having a nice pull back so I'm hoping this price range stays until Sunday when I convert over things into SCC. I would like to pick up more SCC without using BTC, LTC, DASH, or DOGE to get it. Currently bitcoin is 9% of the portfolio. I will build it back up to 50% of the portfolio. Its going to take some time to get bitcoin to 50% of the portfolio but I will get it there at some point.

Now onto open orders for the swing trades. I have 157k sats sitting in a buy order for more dash. Which leaves 80k sats as the untouchable bitcoin balance. The mining pool delays are still happening, I think I might need to send them an email but I will give it a few more days. Now as for mining ETC, things are going good. ETC is starting to be confirmed. I expect Wednesday will be the day we see ETC in the portfolio unless I sell for another coin.

I wrote an article for the website today. I would love some feedback on it. So if any of you have time to read it and leave a comment here. The article is called "How To Rent Hash Power For Crypto Mining". Let me know your thoughts on it and how you feel about renting hash power.

Current Goals

Short Term1,000 SCC146.99 SCC
Long Term1,000 DASH0.75 DASH
Website Ad Income0.0005 BTC Daily9 Sats Daily