
It so does, as we comment soooo much. We need to read sometimes the previous comment to know the whole context.especially after a few days. Lol

Today is weird. I know I reply but can’t see them.
Half of this post is blank. It only says reply a few times. Not the name of the poster or the comment… 🤔

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Some use very short sentences, so it is essential to see the previous comment.

But now I ignore meaningless and short sentences.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, also just that.

Maybe I have to start doing that. Ok it is different when all works fine. But lately it doesn’t and it’s cost so much more effort to figure things out.
I’m already multitasking with work and hive… haha no need for wasting time.

Don’t think we reach the 10k yet. Things need to be more stable for that. 😉 but sure we will try…

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

You're right. but I think we will beat 10K next week if not this week.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We made it to 8.185 comment this week. But this is with having troubles… so it still is a good score.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely a success and we can do better this week.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is and we will 😎 lots of people… ok we can count them… are going for it.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile