In The Force Awakens, Solo tells Rey & Finn how he used 2think that all the stories he had heard @ The Force were hokum/mumbo-jumbo, only 2discover-- 1st hand-- that it was real. Experience caused him 2change his views.
Solo should have been convinced by the time he was rescued from Jabba the Hutt, but it took fatherhood to get him to be honest about his change in views.
Unsure given "Why I gave up Christianity" by dan, Jun 23, 2016, but he's (is/was) Christian.
Lol, I didn't even see that one!
Consider this:
Deep 😉.
Solo should have been convinced by the time he was rescued from Jabba the Hutt, but it took fatherhood to get him to be honest about his change in views.
Didn't even know he was still actively posting here. That's cool.
Even through his days, he posted from time to time.
Not like he can be censored by the blockchain 😉.
He always was a Christian. He dad is into the church big time.
Just seems a weird content pivot from someone with his standing.
He's not wrong...It's always been sunset to sunset, it's only recently society has created 'midnight' as the change of the day.
Haha 👍.
But it just seems a weird content pivot from someone with his standing.
It's weird that he's posting here again.
When you reach unlimited money status, will you go full incogneto and just chill on a private beach somewhere?
yeah it was like crypto crypto crypto and crypto and just God.
When you have as much money as would have paid him, I guess life becomes all about securing your soul for eternity 😉.
ha ha ha ha ha Facts!