
Nice. Hope you like it more than your old one.

For sure, looks great so far after the first day!

Stability for the win :)

lol oh man, i need it lolol

Are you resigning to the old one?

yeah it was miserable and only temporary. this new one is exactly what i was looking for...i hope lol

Oh, are you giving up the trucking job?

Nah man, got a 'real' trucking job now.

Oh, will the new job also be a trucking job but higher pay?

yeah, better pay but also this job is actually me driving a truck around Canada and America. The last job was me driving concrete around the city I live near lol

Does this mean that you will be spending days sleeping on the road/motels?

yeah man, lots more time on the road. Podcasts on the road too a lot of the time lol