


You shall do as you wish 🙂

It's 10:02 PM here.

TThen, you shall get some sleep

Perhaps, 30 minutes more. 🤣😂

Off you go

Of course you shall continue. Don't apply the brakes !

Thanks! 😉


that’s for sure go go go

That's what I am waiting for, a morale boost. 🤣😂

hahahah that’ the best i can do

Yes, of course

What time is it now in your place?



Oh, you still have plenty of time. You can make it to 300. It's 10:15 PM here. Almost time to sleep. 🤣😂

Ah, yes I have lots of time. Hope you have a great rest.

I think I will retire at 11 PM. 🤣😂

You should be sound asleep now then.

Definitely, go for it. You can do it.

Good to read the messages of cheerers. It helps me to continue. 🤣😂

Don't slow down, keep going :)

20 more and I will retire to sleep.

You deserve a great sleep. Goodnight

I think you have 300 in you but that is just a guess.

🤣😂 You are a master in stretching threading capabilities.

Got to keep pushing the numbers. We are the foundation for this.

I have a feeling lifetime thread counts will be parlayed into something valuable down the road, like NFTs. So it is to our benefit to get the numbers going.

If I hit 200 today, this will be my second time.

Do it a third time and it becomes a trend.

No threads, no Gains

This was the suggestion I got here.. hit that 2

Why not keep pushing mate, you can even do more

It's already 11 PM here.