
I'm pretty excited that I can actually share short form photo as a photographer now without haven't to write a hundred words or something

That is true. I think Threads is a great way to expand those a community such as photography.

It is really powerful for photographers and I look forward to seeing your work.

You will be seeing them sir 🙂

Grazie 🙏🏾

Always has been excited.

Engagements is gonna be more exciting for me now!

I bet it will.

The newer features does make it easier to engage. Also brings a more diverse group of people.

Hopefully we see a great deal more of it starting to accumulate.

Yea, seeing new faces now.

Great vibes since morning!

I am excited that i can make threads about literally any subject, no restriction. I am excited to have link previews and all currency tags integrated

Yep. LeoThreads is general purpose. That is always good to encourage engagement.

People who are into crypto or finance have other interests.

#sports is an important subject to encourage on Leothreads.

basketball is my forte, so i will gladly ThreadCast next season's San Antonio Spurs games!

There is versatility to it and after this launch I'm excited about what the future features will mean to meaningful adoption

I hope we get a lot more engagement and it does lead to people being "addicted", LOL

I see it happening, because we were kind of bounded by blogging's only OG and long content "rules", so people were scared of what would be acceptable here, now we are getting the hang of it, it's flowing better

I am and I can thread without restrictions

Yes you can. Plus you cant have your account shut down.

So thread away.

Exactly. It's

I have always been excited about threads.

For good reason.

Almost always yes

the massive amount of new users coming in

I am excited, the feeling of adding up to something great gives me the push.