
It's been some time since I watched a good baseball game

Since they put in a pitch clock, it is easier to watch.

The Met game last night was over in 2 hours 5 minutes.

Much better than the 4 hour affairs before.

oh nice had no idea they did this. Games always lasted so dang long. It made for a nice day chilling at the game to relax but that's about it for me.

They definitely have to keep their foot on the gas @taskmaster4450le

Yep. This team should be light years ahead of the #cubs.

But should doesnt always turn up on the field.

Fuck that. Go CUBBIES go.

LOL yeah you had your fix in 2016. Now back to the bench for the next century.

Probably. But we'll still be better than the Mets

Been a rough first 62 years but the next 62 could be looking up.