Stolen waters are sweet,
Bread eaten in secret is pleasant
Holding up in the sky what belong to us
Shower it down on us our daily bread
bestowing all we need to get going
let it sink in like seasoning
To have the cause of reasoning
let it blow and fall; the raining dough.
Keeping myself awaken all night
To protect the prestige as Knight.
Turning yellow to gold in dark night
voicing out in one accord
up, up in sky it hides
Dreaming of flying higher than kite
shower down on us; heavenly blessing
let it fall down and flow.
Standing on the cliff,
seeing future in the past
wondering what this generation will become
Imagining the outcome of evil deeds
Evil ire soar to fall down
let it fall and spark in the light
Striking evil doers in their places
Falling down like rain and flowing like river.