The media-induced fixation and promotion of a pro-genetic therapy experimental technology injection is quite fierce in society. We've seen the hysteria over CV19 sustained for 1.5 years now, and it will continue for a long while.
So long as the government authority and media authorities are telling people what to believe, and people believe it, it will continue forever. Some people are just so brainwashed.
You have no rights. Do what you're told OR ELSE!
No jab? NO JOB!
And it wouldn't surprise me if this actually did happen with some brainwashed fuck heads out there. Demanding that someone be vaccinated for the "privledge", not of keeping a job, but to be given tooth-rotting candy:
Arguably, Trump would have applied pressure to get vaxxed. But I don't think it would have been as severe.
That's why I like the "Let's go Brandon" meme. It's a code word that isn't a code word anymore. Everyone knows what it means.
Regardless of Joe Dementia Pedo Biden or not, Lets Go Brandon applies to all of government. It's all a fucking pathetic joke.