You Need To Calm Down

in #lgbt6 years ago

Taylor Swift, one of the singers I love most, and I love her music I was shocked with the video she made of the song You Need To Calm Down

She inspires me a lot, I always felt good listening to her music, sometimes I read not good things about her and her ex-boyfriends but personally I have had many couples too and her music about her exes I loved, it was the best.

And for her to bring out this video and song about the LGBT community, in Pride Month, makes me love her more. 

I've come across some things about why gays, bisexuals, lesbians and trans people want to keep supporting them because we're in the 21st century and nobody is homophobic anymore.

What a good joke, they go on, and on with their minds closed.

but they keep killing and hitting couples because of their sexual orientation, or trans people, people are still cruel.

And the activism is very good, and more if they are famous like Taylor Swift, they give more visibility.

I just want to say that if some people don't care about lgbt it's okay.

And if you don't like but don't hate and don't insult, your opinion is respectable.

in my clear view

only if there is no hatred and mistreatment