What a worthless sack of a human being, forgot one fundamental truth, he was born from his Mother. This whole LGBTQ or whatever is demonic. When you read this article, tells you facts already proven from their own words and actions. The Homosexual community are Anti-Christian. Homosexuality is one of the 4 grave sins which “cry out to heaven for vengeance” in the Bible. They are:
-Willful murder (Genesis 4:10)
-Homosexuality (Genesis 18:20 and 19:13)
-Depriving the widow and orphan (Exodus 3:7-10, 20:20-22)
-Depriving a laborer of just wages (Deuteronomy 24:14-15)
A good way to start by looking at these sins, all of which America is madly in love with, is to start with a little history surrounding the eugenics movement in America, as it has it philosophical roots in Protestant ideas that came with the settlers and deeply embedded itself into the culture from the nation’s earliest days.
Why do you think that both political parties of the same coin are promoting homosexuality because they promote eugenics, abortion, population control (Agenda 21, Agenda 2030). With homosexuality doesn't promote pro-creation instead it's destruction of civilization and the complete opposite what God states in the Bible about pro-creation and having a family unit. Take a good look at the corruption and censorship from governments breaking families apart, just like CPS of which the families have committed no crime. The State looks it upon it as a business meeting certain quota and have no empathy nor remorse for the blood they have spilled.
Therefore, you can't be both a Christian and a Homosexual, meaning if you are practicing Homo activity and/or supporting LGBT. Doesn't work that way, same with caring about money all of the time. Can't support 2 masters. Love of money/sin is the root of all evil.
In this article, you'll learn about labeling, that it can be positive thing. God's law doesn't change nor should you give into society/world's demands because it's popular and sinful too. Aren't we here to just to live having a relationship with God, putting him first, then family, etc. Clearly things are getting worse and maybe in the end times.
Best to get right with God if you haven't done so. I encourage anyone to check out Shoebat.com to check out the other articles and videos, since they speak the truth and doing God's work too, exposing evil.
David Exposes Planned Parenthood legally, then is Jailed http://shoebat.com/2017/05/07/major-american-christian-leader-calls-out-americas-sins-yet-fails-to-mention-how-america-loves-what-god-hates/
David Daleiden's documentary called Human Capital, part 1 out of 10.
The Doctor Of Common Sense take on this. He has a great channel, please check it out. Transgender Man Self-Identifies As Disable And A Lesbian. Usually he calls them Goons.
Ireland seems to be going the way of the US if so it is fucked. I know already it has embraced the anti-male agenda. If you are a white straight male you are a predator and sex pest. The opposite is largely true.
It was the white straight male who created the foundations of the modern society we live.
We have just given too much freedom to the socialist who are using the bullshit LGBTQ as a method to crush the family unit and create victims.
These pieces of shit even say that there are no genders. To say something like that is a denial of reality. Hence my view is they are mentally ill and need to be treated as such.