Jacob Wrestles With The Angel IS STAND UP COMEDY!

in #lgbt6 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemians!

Today I wanted to talk to you about Jacob Wrestling The Angel. It's another important story in the bible. I'm going to be writing a summary of easy notes here, as the blockchain is a great place to make sure that all the work I release can be traced directly back to me as the originator. This is because I'm an Empath so I recieve information from higher realms. I have to testify of those higher realms.

This and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah were both gifted to me by celestial lottery balls that landed in my heart. At the same time I also had a dream about the real meaning of Elisha's baldhead. This was a God dream so I know it's the right answer.

The Torah and Bible as they're understood are being used as a psychological mind control tool. They hold people at a lower vibration. I suspect this is to do with the whole Corporate Time Travel scandal which I'm assuming will become more prevalent in the next twenty years. As I may have mentioned the Bentwaters case is the most documented so far.

As one of Jesus's disciples I'm not here to get involved in all of that. I was taken up to New Jerusalem in a vision when I was 28 and told that I'd become a popular mascot for the movement. My main aims are making sure that as many people get into the correct vibrational frequency so if necessary they can be evacuated from the simulation if things get a bit hectic down the road.

Also all of the high level manifestation techniques are in the Torah and Bible. I will be teaching those, as the best way to demonstrate that we're in a simulation is to promote mastery over it. There is no time. The illusion of time itself is part of the simulation. People have the natural ability to time travel and teleport. I'm assuming that the next twenty years will see an amazing leap in human potential. It will be like breaking the four minute mile. Considered impossible. Then, in the next ten years 27 people broke each previous record.

So - I'm here for the Empaths to be able to support other Empaths and in turn to provide as many lifeboats as we can to the earth humans. With AI and the environmental damage being caused, in our lifetime we might be seeing the worst civil unrest ever. I say this purely from a common sense and as a mother. I want to make sure that as many people as possible have a fighting chance. The threat of extremism will rise. There will be more factions. We need to start connecting people together now. The blockchain and this platform have my full support. In the future if there are instances where banks or governments don't function, one way to provide aid and trade to community's will be through this method. Bitcoin in twenty years will be in a very different place.

We're moving too slowly.

The ones that are really going to suffer are the children.

Also, the LGBTQIA+ community is going to be extremely vulnerable. I've already seen disparate reports for them being blamed for the weather. Hurricane Katrina, the Tsunami in Malaysia. I'm extremely concerned about their future thirty years from now. Where there is scarcity and fear, superstition can take hold very quickly. It only takes one psychopathic despot to inflict untold cruelty on people.

Overall, i don't believe any one has to be the bad guy. Governments have to put their own people first. Extremism isn't something to be fought against - only education and personal relationships can heal it. The languaging systems are viruses that trap people's minds. We must make educating people on language as a simulation in itself a priority.

Words create worlds.

So anyhow - let's get onto the main points of Jacob.

  1. Mahanaim means double camp. Not two camps. It's also referenced in the Song of Songs. It was known as the ultimate red light district, such as Amsterdam.

  2. Thigh is a euphemism for penis. The double- entendre is intentional.

  3. Face to face also means faces unto faces. In this instance it denotes a quantity, an amount. Today we would say Faceload.

  4. Peni-el vs Penuel is not a spelling mistake. It's intentional and completely appropriate. Peni-el means Dick Of God.


The punchline is that 'but my life was spared' meaning that Jacob triumphs because even though he got 'a Faceload from the Dick of God' he himself did not ejaculate.

I will teach the simulation lesson privately for the time being.

Elisha being called a baldhead by youths. Again these are double- entendres. Youths in this sense also means the unevolved. A baldhead is a long lost anti-semitic slur. When Elisha calls down the curse, it isn't something he's doing with his mouth. The youths/ degenerates behind him would have scared him. His frequency was what triggered the bears. Sometimes the simulation helps out. The youths with their diabolical hatred would've lowered their frequency and demonstrated that they were a lower consciousness resembling bear food. As I detest anti- semitism (islamophobia, racism, homophobia, transphobia etc) - I now find this story really quite humorous. It's like the KKK hunting down Dave Chappelle, calling him the N- word and then getting what they deserve. God's prophets are cool.


I know for a lot of people the fact that the Torah and Bible are comedy/ hip hop tomes are going too distressing. I understand the Heresy movement. They wanted what I want which is to show the people they have a choice. If all the possible interpretations of the scripture was laid out, then people could make up their own minds about which interpretations they wanted to believe. The comedy was disguised in an effort to take out the LGBTQIA+ community. Overall they tend to be too influential and enlightened for the military industrial complex to take hold and control the people. It's important at this time that the narratives are properly restored and given back to the people.

However, I am aware that this will come as a shock to certain religious communities. My main wish is for every person to be treated with love and compassion. The truth being forced onto people would do more harm than good. I just hope this brings healing to those that need it.

Plus us Empaths need to get manifesting for the people.