
You're a Party aparatchik. It tells me plenty. Not a SINGLE victory in 47 years of existence but, because of you on the scene now, it's "different" this time...right?

Or am I right that you're just there to be a small fish in a micro-pond? If I'm wrong, I'm giving you the pleasure of proving me so. If I'm right, what have I lost in assessing you EXACTLY as you are?

And I'm sorry you confuse experience that justifies speaking confidently with a lack of humility. Do you make it a habit of focusing more on the delivery than the substance of the message, while we're on it?

Are you there to virtue-signal to other "Libertarians" how "important" your title is, or are you there to WIN ELECTIONS? It's a simple question. Since you're talking about your love of the Party, my philosophical challenge has merit.

Oh...and the founders didn't want Parties either...are you wiser today than they were back then? A simple yes or no will suffice. After everything I've witnessed from the Libertarian Party after 2004, it's no wonder they were correct even on that point.

But you go 'head and prove us all wrong...with such "libertarian" luminaries as Bob Barr, Bill Weld and Gary Johnson to your Party's credit...I must be "crazy" to criticize. I'm a "hater", right?

Boorish because I'm addressing you as part of the LP? Oh well. Don't be a part of the LP and you won't suffer the deserved condemnation, especially considering the last 13 laughable years. I don't need to know you personally if you're in a LP capacity. That's been my point all along, and precisely why I'm addressing you in your role as a LP apparatchik.

No you are just an unpleasant boorish person to someone you don't even know.

And there's nothing funnier to me, personally, than getting lessons from those who only know theory about how to talk to others, versus what I know, from experience, that almost won me an election, on a shoestring budget and with almost no help.

Until you start winning elections, we can talk to you Party hacks however we please. It's not like you're succeeding in anything relevant. And gossip about Ron Paul isn't anything. In the bigger picture, you're all still a big social club of do-nothings who have NO formidable plans for victory. Prove me wrong. What's the worst that'll happen? That I was wrong? That would be GREAT! But I bet I'm not...