Adam catches up with the Mayor at the California LP State Convention.
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I really enjoyed Jeff's message at the end. It is sometimes hard to remember why we are doing what we are. Spreading the message of Liberty is more valuable than most things we do in our lives. He was personally inspirational, much of what I do is not out in the public, but I am glad to do my little part in the freedom movement. I hope he does well.
Mayor Jeff is a funny man and also one who is true to himself. Jeff don't see himself so high and also spoke good about a former mayor who legalized cannabis in day 1. I wish him well while running for the council commission. I hope to see the Libertarian Governorship aspirant debate soon
I hope America gets their freedom anytime sooner
This guy is a hoot :-)
First Mayor ever that I actually wanted to listen to.
steem humans: 4 questions with @adamkokesh
steem humans: 4 questions with @adamkokesh
Great government.
wish him well while running for the council commission. I hope to see the Libertarian Governorship aspirant debate soon.
Greetings to US presidential candidate @adamkokesh, we are today commemorating the 19th anniversary of the massacre of the Acehnese People by the Indonesian Military in North Aceh
Hope you see this Link:
i hope american will be get freedom as soon as.
To localized and decentralized sounds a good idea, that guys you just interviewed is not a normal guy, he knows a lot though. Corporations are the one that put millions of American people out of their houses and became homeless and hopeless. The government bailed out lots of Company before like: Lehman Brothers, Jp morgan, and other companies, that created a staggering 20 trillion in debt and China took advantage to our debt and now they are positioning themselves to become a global power. But my question would be, If you became a custodian sir @adamkokesh how do you deal with foreign countries economically and politically? if the united states will become a Libertarian Nation
there are some people who don't have any hidden agenda they are true to themselves and Jeff Hewitt is one of them
Mayor Jeff sounds like a genuine chap wish him luck 💯🐒
If you've ever had a opportunity to see John Boehner interview by late night host this guy reminds me of him in a lot of ways. Relaxed, quick humored and says the same thing...winning is easy, governing is hard.
I dont know anything about the guy or what may is true intentions be, but to my ears he sounds just like any other politicioan trying to sell a messege. The way he talked and how he worded it was just like trump did his speaking, the same way most deceaving politicians do.