The overall perspective of this post seems uplifting: by consuming products made through the exploitation of cheap labour force, we can help these people live even better lives.
My question for you is this: Can we see Beyond this surface level?
In case we can: What do we find?
It just seems to me that we're Missing the point, we're Spinning our wheels, we live under the Impression that we better the world and we leave the cause Intact.
People talk about freedom, yet they do Not talk about dissolving the control system.
How can we be Free as long as we live in a Control system?
We live in a Financial system:
Because we Sell necessities,
Because we do Not have enough necessities,
Because we use the resources of the planet for Poison and other stuff that are Not necessities,
Because people create Demand for poison through their Everyday Choices
Because their destructive, frail, Fake nature chooses for them
Because they're Not aware.
The cause for our control is the demand for stuff that are Not necessities, that comes from Unconsciousness.
How can we better the world as long as we perpetuate the cause of Control?
How can we be free as long as we perpetuate the cause of Control?
It just seems to me that we drift Away from the Basics, which are so simple that they can be summarized in one phrase: the control system No longer exists when there is No demand for the control system.
People talk about freedom then they create Demand for Control, by the fact that they create demand for stuff that are Not necessities.
People don't talk about the cause, because the cause is our everyday choices, and as long as people are Not aware, they are Not willing to give up stuff that are Not necessities, so we Continue living in a Control system.
All people believe they are good. This might be an explanation for the fact that people Continue reinforcing their own Control. As long as people are Not aware, their fake nature is gonna use their mind to create all the necessary stories through which they Justify, their interest for Control, their counterproductive behaviour. The result is pretty interesting: people believe they're good meanwhile they Reinforce Our own Control: the illusion Continues and it gets Stronger and Stronger - the Snowball effect works UNmistakably. The irony is that people believe we're more evolved than ever, when in fact we're more Enslaved than ever and this scenario is Not necessary.
Isn't this the whole point: to Win our game between Us and Evil (the Control system)?
I don't even know how to describe this scenario. People obey to an interest of Control.
When it comes to dissolving control people create stories through which they Avoid this direction.
People are so Dependent on the control system that they fight to Protect it.
Evil exists as a challenge. Without a challenge, What game do we play?
What is the Purpose of our game: to Obey to our challenge or to Overcome your challenge.
People Obey to our challenge. How ridiculous is that!
Enslavement (the financial system) has Nothing to do with Evolution.
People search for ways to make a profit.
How can we reach the Next level of our game (where there are no profits) as long as we think in terms of making profits?
My guess is that there is NO fault for our drift. More important might be what are we doing Now (while we still can) about it. From the moment we're born,
-We're conditioned to be frail because frail people choose what's easy,
-We're conditioned to be beneficial for control through the Control of information: Knowledge is kept Hidden and we receive Lies beneficial for control (the Wrong map), so the Solution might be simpler than it may seem: Winning our game might be about getting the message (Knowledge, the Basics) across.
People have positive intentions and this does Not matter: As long as they have Only Half of the map (The Control system), they invest their + intentions in the Wrong direction (in Reinforcing the Control system). And by the fact that we choose what's Easy (Passivity) we Perpetuate this Nonsense.
People seek to make profits even from knowledge.
Tell me, How many chances do we have to share the message, as long as we Sell the message?
I don't know, and I don't think we have enough.
It just seems to me that we turned winning our game into a business: we created another Vicious circle.
That's the solution to this vicious circle?
Tell me, How many Necessities are there on this planet?
I don't know, and I don't think we have enough, otherwise Why do we Sell them?
There are so Many levels beyond this one and people are Not aware of this. Life on planet earth can look different. How can we evolve as long as we're busy Selling Necessities (or poison)?
We can combine the 2 solutions:
-We can create mass Awareness and
-We can make a living by selling Necessities,
By doing so we might have a chance to reach the Next level where there is a superabundance of Necessities, at this point there is No enslavement, No hunger, and we can focus on Evolution. How simple is that?
We have the Power to Create educational content - through which we can wake people up.
Wasting our power is Easy. Our victory, our Evolution are Not automatic. Unless we wake people up, we lose our game. Isn't this the whole point of our game:
To experience epic Evolution by choosing what's Right (being Responsible for our power)?
I was unaware of these facts. Only recently I connected some dots. People are made to operate from an interest of control. I don't think this is fair. I believe people deserve to have to have clarity, the full map. That's why I feel responsible to share the other half of the map.
There are many stuff to be said about Winning Our game.
That's exactly why I created an educational show: to share my perspective about it.
What's Your opinion about it?
Our game doesn't last forever: the latest regulations about harassment policy and setting the audience (made for kids or not made for kids) are only the beginning, soon enough, we end up in a world of total Control, of total Censorship, so the question is:
What are we doing Now more exactly, for winning our game?
@anaclark you're right: something does Not add up - at least from my perspective.
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And here we are 2 years later and the entire world is willing to give up all their freedoms because they fear a fictitious virus that has never been isolated. Thank goodness there are a few people who can still use their brains to THINK with.
If you can still use your brain to think with, can you use your brain to think at solutions for protecting our freedom?
There are countless ways: Use physical force to resist; use education to make the masses aware of what is happening to them; start your own country and renounce all associations with those you are not willing to be controlled by; tell your oppressors you will not vote for them unless they change how they operate; etc. It is all a numbers game. Convince enough people and you get your way, or have a large enough army to force your way.