Do not cede your rights to the state

in #libertarian8 years ago

Stop giving up your rights and don't cede them to a government that cannot defend or protect you. Ponder on this. Since September 11, 2001 Americans have ceded a great deal of their natural rights to the state in order to assure our safety. All of our phone calls, emails, texts and other communications are monitored. There are cameras everywhere. There are microphones all over major metropolitan areas. We are told that if we "see something, say something." In a most Orwellian fashion, travel has become a hassle where we are required to allow ourselves to be molested on a regular basis to ensure our safety. Yet, there is an “epidemic of violence.” What we are to believe is that the surveillance state was unable to root these radical elements out. Now let’s throw the next pail of fuel onto the fire, we have spent billions and billions of dollars fighting "Islamic radicalism" on foreign soil, so we “don't have to fight them here.” I would propose that these government boondoggles, whether it be perpetual war or the creation of a surveillance state, they have had nothing to do with your safety and security and everything to do with transferring wealth and controlling “free” Americans. In many cases our government agencies funded and armed the very radical elements we are fighting. Rabbi Daniel Lapin says that if someone tells you there is one answer to any complex issue, you need to be very skeptical. I agree, I think we are dealing with a complex situation involving multiple interests, none that involve maintaining the "land of the free and the home of the brave."

I ask that you consider this. Firing up Americans and convincing us that we need to give up our rights seems to be a media standard, do not succumb to their manipulation. Spending our money to fight wars without end and without a goal does nothing but create terrorists. The surveillance state by any measure is a huge failure, if it cannot do the job (and time has proven it cannot) it must be disestablished and the agencies in charge of it must be defunded. Finally, each and every honest American citizen needs to attend classes, purchase a firearm and apply for their concealed carry permit (i they live in an unfree state and they choose to comply). They need to train and take follow up classes regularly. The FBI’s own data shows that the higher the number of CCP holders in an area, the lower the crime. Please do not become a victim cowering under a table begging for your life. Hope kills and it breaks my heart to know that good people died hoping someone would save them. I love you all and be good to each other.


Sadly, the vast masses of people in America believe that it's okay for America to go to war, because we are the most moral country on earth and we would only fight wars for moral purposes. To find the truth, one needs to go beyond the propaganda of the public schools, mainstream news media, and conservative talking heads. Read the history of American interventionism, especially since the Spanish-American War, and you'll see that every single problem that we have with other countries has come about of our government's own making. But, if you point that out, the masses will cry, "You're not patriotic, because you're blaming America first!" It's all quite disgusting.

Sadly all that you say is true. I have to dig around but I wrote an article once on why Iran hates us, it was an eye opener for some and others accused me of making things up. The empire that replaced the republic is not above board about the motivations for war.