The officer that attacked the lady with the camera needs to be arrested for assault, especially since it looked like he hit her with the rifle, NEVER ACCEPTABLE! They BOTH need suspension, and remedial training on the Constitution! I question if they are suited to be Police officers at all, too power mad. I hate to see small minded people with a badge, SMH.
Also, those politicians who felt they had the right to pass this ILLEGAL law; need to be recalled, NOW!
In an ideal world they would be arrested for assault. In fact, in an ideal world police agencies wouldn't even exist. This would just be an instance of one civilian arbitrarily assaulting another civilian, and they would be on equal footing in court. But we don't live in that ideal world so for now we can only hope to some day reach that point by spreading the message and assembling a critical mass in favor of free societies and voluntary governance.
I'm curious what your name means. It sounds like the name of a business.
Yes there was one video, where they arrested a Man for a SIGN he was holding! They need jail time! We put one in jail here, and fired his boss, for abuse of power! There are several others in court on a separate abuse case, and I believd they will go to prison too.
The retard 'lost his focus' on the 'perceived threat' (man with a gun) which is 'never' a very smart thing to do...He then 'did' in fact assault a citizen, completely disregarding the safety of his fellow officer and self all the while...stupid, stupid, stupid....I would never want to work alongside a fool like this; he needs to be let go permanently, giving him the oportunity to find a job which he may be suited for...Nuff said.
The officer that attacked the lady with the camera needs to be arrested for assault, especially since it looked like he hit her with the rifle, NEVER ACCEPTABLE! They BOTH need suspension, and remedial training on the Constitution! I question if they are suited to be Police officers at all, too power mad. I hate to see small minded people with a badge, SMH.
Also, those politicians who felt they had the right to pass this ILLEGAL law; need to be recalled, NOW!
They doubled down!
The video you embedded is a separate incident but they are in the same jurisdiction where that unconstitutional ordinance was in place.
In an ideal world they would be arrested for assault. In fact, in an ideal world police agencies wouldn't even exist. This would just be an instance of one civilian arbitrarily assaulting another civilian, and they would be on equal footing in court. But we don't live in that ideal world so for now we can only hope to some day reach that point by spreading the message and assembling a critical mass in favor of free societies and voluntary governance.
I'm curious what your name means. It sounds like the name of a business.
Yes there was one video, where they arrested a Man for a SIGN he was holding! They need jail time! We put one in jail here, and fired his boss, for abuse of power! There are several others in court on a separate abuse case, and I believd they will go to prison too.
We get as much tyranny as we tolerate.
Obviously the thugs fear anybody that doesnt lick their boots, we need more of those.
The retard 'lost his focus' on the 'perceived threat' (man with a gun) which is 'never' a very smart thing to do...He then 'did' in fact assault a citizen, completely disregarding the safety of his fellow officer and self all the while...stupid, stupid, stupid....I would never want to work alongside a fool like this; he needs to be let go permanently, giving him the oportunity to find a job which he may be suited for...Nuff said.