The Libertarian National Convention (online segment) began last night. It took hours.
The highlight of last night's meeting was from our Delegation in Alabama which offered the following motion:
WHEREAS, So hear me all gods of this universe, with no less fervor than did Scarlett O'Hara declare upon the hallowed ground of Tara that she shall never go hungry again, I, Noah Oliver Rhys, of the Great State of Alabama, Where we Dare Defend Our Rights do hereby declare that the Alabama delegation is taking notes and will settle up these pointless obstructionists at the soonest possible opportunity for the Alligators of our neighbor state of Florida are hungry!
So now, I guess the Libertarian Alligator Caucus is a thing.
Our approved Agenda for the next two days:
Saturday, May 23rd – Business resumes at 11AM Eastern Time. Nomination process for 2020 Libertarian Presidential Nominee
Sunday, May 24th – Business resumes at 11AM Eastern Time. Nomination process for 2020 Libertarian Vice-Presidential Nominee
Party Business will take place in Orlando, Florida but the intent of this weekend's portion is to get the nominee for President and Vice President completed now. This allows them to start nationally campaigning and securing ballot access for all 50 states.
Orlando's schedule:
Tuesday, July 7th – Pre-registration, early check-in.
Wednesday, July 8th – Registration, check-in, committee meetings, break-out sessions, exhibitors.
Thursday, July 9th – In-person business opens. Registration, check-in, convention business, break-out sessions, exhibitors.
Friday, July 10th – Business continues. Registration, check-in, convention business, break-out sessions, exhibitors.
Saturday, July 11th – Registration, check-in, convention business, break-out sessions, exhibitors. Ticketed Gala event.
Sunday, July 12th – Business concludes. Break-out sessions, exhibitors. Close with a campaign rally for POTUS/VPOTUS candidates.
For those delegates needing support, go here.