Libertarians are Nazis? NO, Hayek, Rothbard and von Mises were literal Austrians/Jewish Immigrants EVADING the Nazis

in #libertarian8 years ago (edited)

...But they were Nazis? This recent post-Charlottesville attempt to tie Libertarianism into Nazism would be laughable if there wasn't such an organized, concerted effort in the media.

Anyone who knows the minimum of libertarian thought will find the connection laughable as the two are complete opposites.

Full Article "Libertarians and Race Realism" can be found here

Anybody who says Tom Woods, creator of The Tom Woods Show and Liberty Classroom is a Nazi or neo-Nazi must have almost zero knowledge of his body of work or stated beliefs. Woods is completely anti-authoritarian in his politics. He is an AnCap for gods sakes. This is the opposite of national socialism or any kind of fascism.

As far as garden variety racism, here also Woods has never written anything that any reasonable person could take to be racist. He has in fact specifically denounced racism as a form of collectivism and anti-libertarian for that reason.

As far as some racists or "race realists " being fans of libertarians, so what? Do we claim Hillary Clinton is bad just because one of her followers is an open racist who seeks harm on others? Of course not, there are plenty of legitimate concerns with her character and candidacy.

Just because a person has a bad idea, that doesn't mean that they are wrong about every other thing in life. Lots of great people have had a wrong or bad idea or belief. Absolute imperfection is only slightly less common than absolute perfection in the human condition.

As far as "choosing a side " hogwash. The side libertarians are on should be the libertarian side. And when another group agrees with us on an issue, we should take that. If it means Bernie-bro socialists are going to join us to support legal marijuana or ending the war in Afghanistan then they are right on those issues and wrong on, well almost everything else. Same wth groups that support free speech or freedom of association.

Look if a lot of Nazis want to end the fed, that doesn't make ending the fed Nazi. And just because a lot of racists have been for states rights and might have supported Ron Paul because he is for states rights , doesn't mean he should change his position because the worst of our society are the first to come around to seeing how right he is. Our position should not change. We should instead go about convincing the non-Nazis and non-libertarians we are right also. Then the position becomes a majority view like marijuana prohibition or gay marriage. Those being issues libertarians have led the way on.

In the past there where a lot of racists who wanted us to stay out of the war in Europe. They where wrong for being racists BUT they where right about the war.



also that whole antifa is to laugh about.... most of them are clearly too stupid to poop... because where in this world, and especially the 1st world is facism findable? nowhere... only north korea has facism.... rest of the world has no facism and won't ever be for ever.. therefore there is too much history been made with pain and misery so whenever you see a jobless person screaming nazi! nazi! at others or see anybody else overreacting in public to be against facism or even wearing a mask or scarf, ready to be extremely violent at any time and any moment.. just remember these people are extremely stupid, weak in mind and probably easy to manipulate or brainwash, they also probably have had hard childhoods, are having an addiction or were in rehab and or are victim of abuse according to research..... they probably have no single idea of what facism really is, what it means and the history ... but since they truly believe it excists in the modern first world, they distrub order and act like they fight for a good thing but in reality are exactly the same as what they are against..... so just ignore them, they are the weaker souls in our society and cause pointless trouble because they fight against something that does only exist in north korea... also the extreme right minded once are just the same..., same story, maybe less violent but also have no clue about how they should participating in a society ;)... why don't we protest against those who disrupt normal day living with brainless stupidity?.. If there would be a protest against stupidity and retarded jobless dreadlock hippies AND bald skinhead millitants with flags... it would probably be the first and only time I want to offer my precious time into something totally unnecessary... like the alt left and alt right thing is too, completely brainless retarded and pointless... who for flying-spagetti-monster sake are actually sponsored by billionaires like soros who is desperately trying to demand what he wants with his money at the end of his life.. he is almost done with life at his age anyway... man really this is 2017 right :P it's kind of uber funny but at the same time extremely sad it happens ;) btw heres my vote for you post..... oh and one thing.... nationalism means proud of your country... but nowdays is called racist and nazi... but I think being proud of your country is not a bad thing rather a human natural thing :P... maybe of topic but I'm glad I finally said it in public. keep loving people and keep working together for each and everyones wellbeing without hating.. be rational and realistic.. and respect others views.. but don't try to desperately act PC like politicians always do too... it's totally fine to have a different point of view or style and to speak from the hearth.. just stay true and reasonable.

I wanted to go to the convention in New Orleans and hang out for the week, not worry about in-fighting. Looks like now my job is going to be making sure Nick Sarwark has less to do from 2018 onward.

For real. All I want from the national LP is professionalism. Instead I get the LP chair attacking the Mises Institute and Tom Woods who have done more for libertarianism than anyone. Then I get other LP heads saying that military personnel are baby killers when active duty personnel vote libertarian more than R or D.

Both of these examples are nothing if not divisive and it almost seems like they are attempting to torpedo the party.

One thing I came across which might explain the Sarwark's strategy:. I've been meaning to write about it when I have time. Check out the link from Sarwark's blog:

"The hack for this system is to get the media to give you free (often negative) coverage by creating manufactured controversy and outrage."

The Sarwark strategy in a nutshell.

Creating controversy in order to create some kind of media buzz isn't a strategy, it's desperation. I hate being on the defensive with republicans and democrats who use our in-fighting as ammo. The convention should be fun, especially when we get a new chair and vice chair!

I was a Republican in the early 90s; my brother was (is still) very libertarian in his principles. I studied a lot of the material he had on hand, and here is my impression of the LP.

At the time I started paying attention to the LP (90s), it was very focused on economics and personal freedoms, period. Anti-war focus was there, but minimal. From the mid-90s onward, more and more of a focus became on drug legalization and anti-war (anti-military spending incl.).

After Bush's 2000 election, it seemed to me that the focus of the LP was entirely drug legalization and anti-war, with little attention paid to economic or other personal freedoms. As the 2000s progressed, focus began including UBI, a focus on police abuses, and open borders.

This last election? the LP ran a guy who was for gun control and telling businesses who they HAD to cater to...

If was was being a jerk, I'd say the potheads smoked the party out ;> but really I just think people whose only interest in liberty was drug use dominated it over time.

I think the focus on cannabis decriminalization was because the tide was going the other way, and as we have seen in recent years it has been successful. Going forward we should focus more on empire building, and the economy. I think there is shift happening with those topics now. Only time will tell though.

what in the actual fuck? who in his right mind would consider us to be Nazis?
...well, i guess i got my mistake (>in their right minds<)

worth a reSteem, a FB share, and a tweet. good stuff

If someone starts calling others "nazis", most of the time it just means the accuser doesn't have an argument and just wants to immediately stop any discussion.

I listened to Jason Stapleton interview Nicholas Sarwark. He smacked him up side the head, left and right, over and over. I was so glad to hear Jason put him in his place for Nicholas' ridiculous position of overtly calling Tom Woods a Nazi sympathizer.

Libertarians and Nazis are literally polar opposites.

Good post!

Jasons interview was awesome! Nicholas Sarwark seemed to bumble and jumble and have no sound principles in which to convey a coherent thought.

Also: 22:25 Jason: He’s not making any statements that are pro Neo-Nazi. He’s simply choosing not to be forced into a corner to sign some petition that you guys say is necessary in order for him to prove himself.
Sarwark: He’s choosing to not offend his part of his market. These are people who buy his, subscribe to his podcast, and buy entry into this Facebook safe space, and buy tickets for his float-o safe space, you know, I get, as a marketer…
Jason: Are you talking about his cruise that he and Bob Murphy do?
Sarwark: Yes, I’m talking about the one where he says, “You know where you won’t hear libertarian infighting”. You know, he’s a relentless marketer and he’s good at it. But, you know, for a guy who likes to talk about he’s outside the bounds of acceptable opinion, he’s very quick dismiss people as either leftists or low IQ, to block them and to not respond to any arguments that are outside the bounds of his contrarian world. He has a market and he has an audience AND HIS AUDIENCE DOESN’T WANT HIM TO SAY THESE THINGS SO HE DOESN’T! He actually has his own 3x5 card of acceptable opinion. It may be a mirror image of the 3x5 card that, I don’t know, that the New York Times has, that’s his tag line, but he does go out of the way to not say things that would offend that segment of his market. And they ARE PART of his market, they are part of his fans.
Jason: I don’t how you could possibly know that other than to read some Neo-Nazi rag that says they like him.
Sarwark: Well, there’s that. There’s the comments on his blog. There’s the comments on his YouTube channel. There’s Twitter.
Jason: Do you realize...I don’t know what the Libertarian Party is doing, Nick, but I can tell you I have a private group of about 8,000 people and we do a screening process before anyone comes in and it still takes a team of people to comb through that private Facebook group and get rid of people who are there just to cause problems. I think it’s frankly unfair for you to look at a guy who has a following and to carve out a portion of that following who say really terrible things and to make that an explanation or an example of what his entire movement and his entire message is about.
Sarwark: I understand that you think that that's unfair. I have no problem saying very explicitly that racists and white nationalists are invited to leave the libertarian party. You have no problem in your private Facebook group setting out particular rules for what is and isn't acceptable behavior. So when the opportunity arises to say look, what I'm talking about is not what those guys marching in Charlottesville are talking about, it's different, those are people that I don't agree with, those are people that I don't want to be my supporters or my fans, I'm not interested in that, this is an unacceptable opinion. He has the opportunity to say that. He's very quick to say it's unacceptable to be a leftist. He's very quick to say it's unacceptable to be a Communist. He's very quick to say these things are unacceptable and there's one thing that won't come out of his mouth. He will not say it's unacceptable to be racist. He will not say it's unacceptable to be a white nationalist. He won't say THAT because that would offend a portion of his audience. Now maybe he won't say it because he's just gosh darnit stubborn and contrarian and he just won't sign things that people ask him to. That's fine and he can make that argument and whether it's persuasive or not is up to the listener and it's not up to you and it's not up to me.

The communist, Marxist, Leninist Bolsheviks only have violence. Try to engage an Antifa drone in conversation you will quickly see they are traumatized victims of psychological abuse. Many Anarchist/Antifa members have come forward to describe the CULT and how it works. I recommend for an inside look into Antifa, BLM, BAMN. Thanks for this post!!

so that video concludes: A) broken family B) no stability C) abuse / addiction.... that video could also be just a propaganda against it... I think it's better to just ignore all of this unnescessary topics of lefts and rights completely and image it as completely retarded because that's what it is don't you think? because it is really really retarded that's why the weaker minds or the ones with instable childhoods etc are so vulnerable to be influenced or brainwashed so easy by it... also it is ofcourse muchmuchmuch more of an issue in the USA than elsewhere and that's in my opinion the result of the brainwash methods the governments uses trough the media... this became totally obvious since the elections november 2016 when all things didn't turn out as hoped for the democrats and the obama adm. panicked and all of a sudden russia became an enemy and those kind of things.. :P but here we sit, do nothing and just watch things happen and are okay with it right? long live the first world problems