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RE: Our Forgotten 10th Amendment

in #libertarian7 years ago

Congrats on the engagement! Haha, I don't have time for men, you're giving me all this work to do!! ;) Yes, I love Miss Pettibone! I'm very spiritual with no religious affiliation, kinda goes against my grain. I do however appreciate all religions, and feel that they all have something to share with the world, at least historically, but probably way more than that.


As for not having time for any men? MULTI-TASK, woman. I am allowing you to kill 2 birds with one stone. Do you realize the advantage you have in Libertavia... the Sausage capitol of America? Seriously. Allow the Holy Spirit into your life. Try it on for size. Jesus Christ came to DESTROY religion. Why do you think the jews and romans nailed him to that Cross? Relax... Roll the Bones. (assuming you are somewhat "old school" enough to enjoy the group, RUSH).