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RE: Libertarian Websites Deemed "Russian Propaganda Tools" by Washington Post

in #libertarian8 years ago

what is really funny about these liars is that they were the ones that didn't treat Russia as a threat until Russia made Barky Hussein look like the complete cunt that he is

  • the same ones that mocked Mittens Romney for noting that Russia was dangerous - "The 80s want their policy back"
  • the same ones that ignored the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a violation of the Budapest Memorandum in which WE guaranteed the security of the Ukrainians in return for their giving up the nuclear arms they could have used to punish the Russians
  • the same ones that didn't say word one about those "evil evil Russians" when Barky promised Putin "more flexibility" after the 2012 election
  • the same ones that didnt say shit when Hillary said they would be hitting the "reset" button in regard to the Russians

The same liars, hypocrites, and corruptocrats that make up the democrat party...yep, they were really happy to get along with the Ruskies until THIS became a staple of internet memes

oh noes my cult-leader haz bad picz!

(then again, barky looks like he's enjoying it)