Here in Germany you have cities with only female police officiers, when I saw this I knew this would be a great place to live in.
Why? Because there is no hard crime.
It was a traditional small German town surrounded by nature.
Anyway, here in Germany you don't need to be strong and smart to join the police. In fact, you can be 1.60m tall, weak, and don't know shit (the state wants to keep control at all times so they want us stupid).
After all the police men and women are just puppets of the state. Little brainwashed soldiers that enforce the law.
And the law is just the will of the elite to oppress the people.
The more you understand in regards to who controls the world the more you understand that civilization is not for people that prefer freedom over "security".
I cannot give you an answer to your question at hand because I do not support something that just enforces the will of the state aka the elite few whose only interest is $$$. For that they enslave their own people.