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RE: The Current State of Seasteading: Building Permanent Oceanic Colonies

in #libertarianism8 years ago

Years back, I picked up this book called The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps, and the first chapter was about seasteading. Coolest book I'd ever seen. The seasteading updates were awesome. I upvoted the content and will be featuring it on my daily hidden gems blog. Look forward to hearing more from you.


I have that same book. The most interesting part to me was farming algae as a source of cheap protein.

I thought the spirulina farming was cool (though green bread was a bit odd to me), but it was the concept of seacrete to have calcium depose o electrodes and actually "grow" concrete structures that absolutely grabbed my imagination. I have been hoping to hear about this becoming a reality for such a long time. I am very optimistic about Blueseed and their approach to seasteading. I'd be curious to see if a hot war in the Sea of China changes anything. Hopefully it remains a curiosity.

I read that book. I thought it was very interesting. This was in the time before the age of the internet and finding more information was very difficult. (I particularly liked the Magnus Airship)