NH: Open letter to Libertarian-excluding TV station

in #libertarians6 years ago

Sent this to New Hampshire's government-licensed TV news station, which arguably holds a virtual monopoly on televised political debates here.

"This message is for your news director; I understand that's currently Alisha McDevitt but couldn't confirm this.

FreeKeene.com is reporting you have required candidates from the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire to achieve certain results in polls...in order to be in your debates. But they say no polls have included the LP, making it impossible for them to qualify. To what extent is this true?

To what extent, if any, are you under threats or financial pressure of some kind designed to make you limit your debate to only establishment-party candidates that are on the ballot?

To what extent, if any, Is Adam Sexton under threat of termination by you as a result of his reported attempt to include (or assure inclusion) by the LP in the debate?

To what extent is your position on the debate question influenced by your dependence on a government license in order to broadcast the news? Does this licensing have a chilling effect on your ability to include viewpoints that defy the established powers who issue this license?

Dave Ridley

cc: NH General Discussion"


As of a couple weeks later, I have not received a reply from the TV station.