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RE: Liberty or Freedom?

in #liberty3 years ago

Hey Paul!

As usual, I'm late to the party... But what a party! It's so good to see new posts from you here, and this is a barn-burner! Please reply and I'll try to notice and reward your reply since I missed the article...

Yes, the state is an institutionalized mechanism designed for the destruction of liberty by the application of "law" falsely so called. I'm persuaded that the only legitimate source of law is the "higher authorities" of Jesus/God and his word; beyond that, only voluntary agreements rule, i.e. contract law. I believe this is the true teaching of Romans 13.

I once reviewed all the references to 'law' (and its cognates) that I could find in the bible. It turns out that, when scripture refers to "law"—which it does in excess of 400 times—virtually all of those references are to God's law and not human "law." Being generous, perhaps a dozen of those instances may be found to be man's "laws," and they are spoken of disparagingly.

My friend, please keep writing...🙏




Thank you again for the comments and encouragement!

More that welcome, Bro!