I took away a different view on Atlas Shrugged than both sides of the political debate. It bothers me that the GOP has adopted it (and Rand) and that the Dems have vilified it (and Rand). They ignore its place in history and all aspects of the book outside of Objectivism.
To start with, Rand wrote incredibly inspirational characters. They are true to themselves and their inherent character. They are like shining beacons of light. Well, at least the good guys.
The villains are about as bad as they get. And what is their greatest crime / downfall / negative trait? Mediocrity! This is what makes the current GOP's love of Atlas Shrugged so comical. Paul Ryan is mediocre as are many of his caucuses members. They are not looking to better the country which is what they took an oath to do.
And if you haven't read her warmup to Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead is worth a read, even more so if you like architecture.